
Welcome Astrid! Hope you have fun posting here.
Anyway... muffins? Where?? :D

Edited because I mistook muffins for brownies. Ah whatever, they both taste good.
Thanks guys for all the greetings *nibbles on muffins*
Thanks Tink! Is there many Brits on this board?

I think I'll have a little coffee too. Tis late again but this time I can have a proper look round as no work tomorrow. Having a lazy day (as I never get those).
I'm thinking CSI dvd day. Whose with me?

Astrid said:
Thanks guys for all the greetings *nibbles on muffins*
Thanks Tink! Is there many Brits on this board?
I know there are some but I'm not sure how many :lol:

I'm thinking CSI dvd day. Whose with me?


Sounds good, alas, I must go to work today for 8 hours :p Perhaps this evening :)
Astrid said:Is there many Brits on this board?

im not Brit but im Astrid XD
that's strange when people tell my name but when it's not for me... :lol:

anyway, welcome on board Astrid ;)
tchô petit chou (c'est bien de voir une personne venant des "voisins"! moi, j'habite en suisse) ;)

welcome on board, hope you enjoy the forums!
Oooh plusieurs personnes qui parlent en français ici. :D (lots of people who speak french here.)

Welcome to all the newbies! We hope you're enjoying the welcome food. ;)
Well someone had already started a 'French' thread, but seeing as TalkCSI is an English board, then it wouldn't be possible to create a thread to speak french. And that reason is mainly because the moderators need to understand what is being said, so that someone can't, say for example "I hate so and so on this site because they're gay or stupid." in a different language just so the moderators wouldn't find out. (You wouldn't think it would happen, but there is always that minority..) :) I hope I didn't step on anyone's toes...

Oh, and I forgot to welcome you back zippy. :D *gives out belated welcome back cookies*
a french can watch after what's said, and tell the moderators if there's any problem...

anyway, that's not the most important...
Hello everyone! My name is Lynsey, and I've recently become a huge fan of CSI: NY. I've always enjoyed CSI, but I didn't have the time to watch television much in the last few years. Now that I don't have school + work, just school, I have plenty of time to catch up on them!
I'm from Canada, and I just turned 23 years old. :)
Pleasure to meet you all!