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Re: Introductions

JayneEmilysRealm said:
Don't forget I can give you detention robo and make you wear Donkey-ears :p

*waves at newbies* no.. we are a bunch of nice people :D ... no guys.. don't leave.. helluuuhh?? *hides shovel behind back* I'll play nice :rolleyes:

Bleh. Detention. Whatever.
NOO! Not the DONKEY-EARS!!!!
Re: Introductions

Ditto ^. Exactly what I was going to say. You're always welcome here in Misc, and I'm sure in other forums too :) Hope you decide to stick around.
Re: Introductions

ineverysunflower, this board is like the Hotel California:

"You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!"

It is addictive. You'll be back very soon.
Re: Introductions

ineverysunflower said:
ive felt really unwelcome i think it shall be my time to go soon

No! You can't leave! :eek: Then Jayne and Rissa can't poke jokes about me because of...err, flowers! :D
Re: Introductions

JayneEmilysRealm said:
^^ :lol: yeah exactly what I thought too.. but hey, it's you who said it Shayney :D

LOL! :lol: Shh! Then I guess we should keep it a secret until then! :D But BTW, the 'thing' is past tense now. :D
Re: Introductions

Dynamo1 said:

"You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!"

so true- ive thought about leaving before but then i always catch myself wanting to post here. its almost my one year anniversary of being a member so i think ill wait till then, then make my desicion

xoxo to everyone
Re: Introductions

you can do what I have done on a feew other forums like MuggleCastFan. I just pop in occasionally to say hi to everyone and see if there is any news but I don't check it a lot. With other forums I found them too consuming and had to ban them on my computer.
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