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Re: Introductions

Don't forget I can give you detention robo and make you wear Donkey-ears :p

*waves at newbies* no.. we are a bunch of nice people :D ... no guys.. don't leave.. helluuuhh?? *hides shovel behind back* I'll play nice :rolleyes:
Re: Introductions

Welcome to the nuthouse KimAZ! I'll offer you some baklava 'cause I think the brownies are tainted :p. Happy posting!
Re: Introductions

Hello, Kim AZ. According to the country song by Jamie O'Neal, "There is no Arizona." But what does she know.

Welcome to the nut house. There are fat-free, calorie-free, price-free snacks in the corner. Pull up a keyboard and have fun.
Re: Introductions

JayneEmilysRealm said:
I thought j/k is just kidding? Oh well, same same...
It actually is Zippy.. :lol: ... gawd, girl.. are you following me around and pointing out my mistakes?? :rolleyes: :lol:
:lol: :lol: Sorry Jayne bad habit...bad habit...but I picked it up from someone *points finger at Casper* :devil:

Hello and welcome KimAZ. Arizona brings back fond memories.
Re: Introductions

*looks around*

Did I missed something? :lol: *stifles a laugh* I did not do such things! :lol:

You went to Arizona, Erin!? Gotta tell me about that on MSN.
Re: Introductions

Welcome to the boards KimAZ! I hope you enjoy it here. :D

*takes a brownie from the plate* :lol:
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