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I might pop in every onoce in a while but I've found other things to do and my mother doesn't like me watching CSI. She says it's ok, but what's CSI Files without CSI?? So, I'll be going.. Bye!!

I'll miss you all. Ducky, abc, Tink, quoth, all of you.

Awww, I wish you weren't leaving GilandSara :( I hope you enjoyed your stay here, and yes, please do drop by to visit us some time :)
csifreakaholic said:
Hi everyone.

Some of you may remember me, some of you probably won't. I've only been gone what 2? months, but it seems that the population here has grown quite a bit since then!!

My name is Christina aka csifreakaholic. I'm 19 (20 in July), and a 2nd year psychology major at university.

I made a few posts a couple of days ago in the Forensic Science subforum, in the thread I had created a long time ago.

Just wanted to stop in and say hi. I miss all of you lots, and I think I may start coming back on a regular basis again after my exam tomorrow. (Which I should be studying for, oops!)

But even if I don't, I stop by on occassion just to read the boards. And I always find time to watch CSI! ;)

Have a wonderful day. :D

Damn, it has been ages sice you've been on. It hasnt been the same without ya. :D And good luck with the exams! :)
Farewells...and thank fuck for it

fine!!!! it seems i have an objection to a thread

it seems no one else is with me. i am gone, fuck you and stuff you fuckers

why i felt that way? "What race are you" come on!!!!!!!!
seriously, when i got home... i chcked my email, got an email from a talkCSI-member...then checked it, but i just couldnt be satisfied with what i read.. dont like my decision? too bad, live with it!! and dont expect to see me around..ever

-CSI-vegas is a great show
-Arsenal WILL win the Champions League - despite what you suddenly spanish people thing :lol
-you reallly wanna know why i think that What Race whatever.. thread is pissing me off? ask someone i "trust" from this forum, at the moment, two people Kazzy and Jayne and the two welsh arsenal fans!

"arsenal, we love you, oh yes we do!"

i met some nice people. too bad ill only keep in-contact with a handful...

arsenal rule!!

well. good bye and fuck you!
Re: Farewells...and thank fuck for it

I'm not a mod for the board, I just wanted to say I would advise everybody not to reply to dittohead's post, as I have notified the moderators using the NM button.
Re: Farewells...and thank fuck for it

well that was a dignified exit... I really don't know what to say to that so I guess I will take abc's advice and let the mods take care of it. all I can say is that wasn't very nice.
Re: Farewells...and thank fuck for it


First I have to say, I'm sorry if ditto felt offended, but going "to the war" like that isn't really helpful.

I tell you all this:

If you find a thread that you feel is offending, please either use Notify the moderator button, which is found in every post or PM us. Now that you can PM even you don't have 100 posts, it's easy. Every moderator in talkCSI checks the board quite often and believe me, we try to look into these things as soon as we can. So just inform us, log off and try to cool down and check the board later on.

Second. If someone decides to post flaming/trolling post. Do just like abc said. Let us moderators know and walk away. No defending, no snarky remarks, no agreeing. Just let it be.

You, who have been here longer, should know this already. No one is forcing you to post.

Thank you.
Re: Farewells

Farewell GilandSara. *cries* You will be missed. :(

I hope you will still stop by every now and then. :)
Re: Farewells

hi. user Laetri made me sign up because we always talk about csi at lunch. so yeahhh... i'm alex. see you around. :D
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