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Re: Introductions

Bunny, there´re some other Germans here. (Tianshi, Miss_Undercover and AlexxWoods for example.)

Damn, I really hoped you cheer Aiden also. How do you like her? ;)

Setsu, another hello from Europe. Is it right you´re Fan of NY-Team? (Guess that from your name.)
Re: Introductions

::waves at other newbies:: Hello! or should I say Hola!

Detective_Burn said:

Bunny, there´re some other Germans here. (Tianshi, Miss_Undercover and AlexxWoods for example.)

Damn, I really hoped you cheer Aiden also. How do you like her? ;)

I noticed the one or other location that said Germany, but there are apparently more than I would've thought. ;)

And I'm hopelessly attached to Danny, I'm afraid.
I liked Aiden, though, I admired her spunk. It was sad to see her fired.

Now, if y'all don't mind, I'm gonna take the last brownie. No worries, I've made some muffins. I'll just put them on the table here.

Any more newbies?
Re: Introductions

Well hi to everyone.

I'm from Florida, yay!, not really. I'm sorta new to the boards, because I lurked for a bit before I started posting. I love CSI:NY but watched all of them.
Re: Introductions

ItDBMe, says hello. What´s up? :)

Bunny, I think we have more Dutchies than Germans here in spite. :D
What do you mean Aidens spunk? Please explain that word.
Oh - finally: Thanks so much for new muffins. *Yummy
Re: Introductions

Welcome to the board, ItDBMe !

Does it count that I'm part Dutch? Just a wee little bit though... Really tiny. Microscopical.
Re: spunk - N. informal , courage and determination.
Re: Introductions

Sure it counts Bunny :p Only when it comes to soccer I uhm.. I.. just.. well you know how competitive it gets when the Netherlands play against the Germans.. but generally I love Germans :D I'm part German too.. also a tiny bit.. since my mum's from the Czech Rep. and her ancestors again are from the part that first belonged to Germany.. :)
Re: Introductions

Detective_Burn said:


Our luck we exchanged our goalkeeper. Due to this we´ll win more games. Want a bet? :eek:

j/k = joking :p

Uhm.. no, no bets! I wouldn't want to put you all through that, I'd win anyway.. but actually Germany vs the Netherlands is the best match always, both teams play like their lives depend on it!

Welcome newbies :D
Re: Introductions

I thought j/k is just kidding? Oh well, same same... :p

Hi ItDBMe. I thought I saw you somewhere in TalkCSI before this...
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