Re: Introductions
Hi there *waves* I've been stalking these boards for a long while, so it was about time I joined I guess
Online I'm usually known as Setsu - you can call me Setsu, Set or Aiden, whatever you wish. I'm Spanish, 23, female (well, looking at my username that's pretty much a given), student/unemployed/amateur web designer, interested in everything computers-related... and of course, with a healthy obsession with CSI, that's why I've decided to join this forum.
My list of favourites would be kinda long since I love almost all the characters in the shows, but my "special one" has always been, still is and will always be Grissom - I know I'm not really original here, but I can't help myself. He's just perfect <3
I won't be able to say much about the newest episodes/seasons, since they still haven't been aired on TV here

But anyway, I'll try to post as much as I can.
Nice to meet you all!