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Guess I'm about on time with introducing myself, I just discovered that I like this forum a little too much....

My name is Henk Nieweg, (Americans pronounce it as Hank), 15 years old, I'm born in Houston, unfortunately I have lived in the Netherlands for my whole life so my English ****, I however am following Bi-Lingual education so I hope it is going to improve soon (I hate Dutch, there is just no logic in the whole language)
Steve Jobs is my single rolemodel, and I'm addicted to Apple Computers. I have watched CSI from the first time it was on the Dutch television and have been a faithfull viewer ever since. Quite recently I had the idea to write a story with the CSI cast in it, so I used Google to go and look if there was anybody who shared my willingness to write stories and I found you guys. I'm so happy to be here and god those brownies look good!
Brownies are the best they pwn life! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wow I am reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hyper right now. Guess that's what comes form being inside all day. Come to think of it, giving me brownies right now probably isn't the smartest idea. Oh well *snatches one* There see I only took one, I am a good sharer!

Welcome to any newbies I have yet to welcome.
Laetri, maybe you should atick to the sugar-free brownies for a while until you come down from that sugar high.

Howdy, Henk. Welcome to the nut house. Since you like Apple, we have some virtual apples and apple pie by the door with the brownies. I was afraid to let Laetri see the pie, so I had it hid behind the bagels.

Grab a keyboard and join the fun.
Uh..The time has come,for me to go :(.I'm going to college tomorrow.I'll drop by if I have time but not as often as now (I'm just not good at multitasking).Aww..I'm going to miss you guys :eek:!!

BTW,welcome to the board Henk!Join the club!

Can I have another brownies before I leave? :D
Hey sHiNNizLe, all the best with College life. *smuggles brownies into shinnizle's backpack* Now don't forget to call and send us a greeting card or something! *waves* See ya around!
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