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Re: Farewells...and thank fuck for it

DaWacko said:
*coughs* I don't think I have welcomed you Comte, but welcome!

Then... erm... double posting isn't allowed so please, do not post two seperate post right away. You can edit your posts to add more content and when you reply, you can reply to many posts in one post :)

No harm done, I just try to help a newbie :D

*passes a cookie*

*takes the cookie*
truly no harm done...
i thank u fer correctin me...
A Grand Entrance por moi...

Hiya, I just joined the forum...

My name is Tiffany (Tiff, tiffy, or whatever you feel like calling me) and I watch CSI. What a conformist I am to ya'll, eh? I was perusing the forum after watching tonite's eppy because I was procrastinating on studying for a test, and I said to myself, "Why, that is a crazy spiffy msg board; I should join." So I did, and thus, this brings me to where I am now. And yes I spoke that out loud to myself. The sound of my voice makes me feel less lonely inside.:D Dude, it's late, or rather early...2 in the morning where I am. Time for bed.

Now, welcome me dammit (or not, I'm secure enough without). ;)
Re: Farewells...and thank fuck for it

Hestia said:
Every time I come by someone has eaten all the cookies or brownies! :eek:
That's because some people took too many and fill up their pockets with cookies. *hides coat over pockets*
Re: Farewells...and thank fuck for it

Welcome Tiffany. Good to have you with us on Talk CSI :). Don't mind the brownie snatcher(s) :lol:. Just grab a soda and make yourself at home. Have a great time posting! ;)
Re: Farewells...and thank fuck for it

zippy said:
That's because some people took too many and fill up their pockets with cookies. *hides coat over pockets*
*Hides CSI lunchbox*
Re: Farewells...and thank fuck for it

Tiffany, welcome to talkCSI!

*passes extra cookies*
Welcome to the board Tiffany! :) Great to have you here :D

Yeah, everyone...please help yourselves to the brownies, but only try the burned ones if you're feeling suicidal :lol:
sHiNNizLe said:
Umm..anybody want my brownies? I'm on a strict diet. Brownies..brownies for free.. :D
sHiNNizLe, the brownies by the front door of this message board are fat-free, calorie-free, and price-free. Unfortunately, they are not always burn-free.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. :D Muchly appreciated. Cookies...yumm...and burnt brownies? I can live with that. I like my meat well-cooked--so why not my baked goods. ;)

@ SaraSidleStokes: Will do on the Snicker thread. I have to change my banner though because of the size =/.
Woah :eek:..fat-free,calorie-free and price free?That I can't resist :).

* Snatch some fat-free,calorie-free,price-free brownies .*

nyum..nyum.. :D
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