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JayneEmilysRealm said:
DaWacko said:
Welcome Henk :D

I can say "Oh, another Dutch"
You guys really take over the board :lol:

Our invasion does become a bit too obvious, doesn't it Ducky? :devil:

Yes... or... no. After all the site/board owner is *does Nigel Powers imitation* a dutch :p
Laetri, maybe you should atick to the sugar-free brownies for a while until you come down from that sugar high.

where's the fun in that? How am I supposed to destroy the world without my sugar high. Actually it wasn't a sugar high it was just me being... me.
hello everyone. Gotta tell you I´m visiting a boarding school at the moment. Therefore I can only be online very seldomly. I try to answer your posts asap - but FYI.
I´ll stay in my residential school for about 5 weeks.
I wanna complain mods! Shane stole my chewy brownies! What? You guys aren't gonna do anything? Fine.
*runs after Shane with a water bazooka and shoot all them chewy brownies* There ya go...bloated brownies, nobody wants to eat them mwaahahahaaa....!
zippy said:
I wanna complain mods!
Wow, this is only my second complaint since becoming a mod :D :lol:

Now, now there's plenty of chewy brownies to go around ;) and if I hear anymore news of people stealing them from each other, I'll be getting my brick out :devil:

Ok, this cookie thing starts to go bit too far. I may close The Cookie Factory if things don't settle down.

*goes to eat her peasoup*
I'll be good see that's me:


angel see see? I be good! Oh I also won't destroy the world (this week)
HI, everyone! :D
Yes, I'm pleased to inform you that I am now Talk CSI's latest newbie.
While I've been reading through some of the threads on here for a while, I only decided to sign up yesterday. But after I registered, I never got my verification. ( :( ) I tried a second email but still had no success. I tried a third today and it FINALLY WORKED. (Yay!)


My name's Marissa, I'm seventeen, yadda-yadda-yadda. I'm really not a nighttime TV junkie, but I've recently become addicted to CSI: Miami. My mom watches all three of the CSI shows, and Miami has really sparked my interest. So not only am I new to the forum, I'm also pretty new to the show.

You can tell by my name that I'm a Natalia fan. It seems like I'm the only person in the world who actually likes this character, so I try to spread the 'Talia love anywhere I can. I love Eva La Rue as an actress, and I've really taken a liking to her character, too. Oh! And I'm also a HUGE Natalia/Eric shipper. I think they look absolutely adorable together. I hope they get back togetherrrr. <33

Okay. Now I'm done.
I'm pretty sure that's it.
I'll be off to post! :D
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