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Re: Introductions

Hi Michelle!! and welcome Marion.. I'm 23 so we don't have the same year.. *wipes forehead* phew, that would've freaked me out!

For all the aboves: Yes, I am a teacher :p *points her little finger at all of you* English as Second Language. I don't mind other people making mistakes and such, but I hate to see it when it happens to me :eek:
Re: Introductions

Careful, CSIsMANIAC, the teacher might make you stand in a corner cleaning chalkboard erasers.

Do I smell brownies baking?

Welcome to the nut house, newbies. Pull up a keyboard and stay awhile.
Re: Introductions

No way, I don't get timeouts :lol:. Besides, the teacher won't know if I threw paper planes while their backs are turned. Nyaha!
Re: Introductions

I'm a teacher as well but I teach Preschoolers (and occasionally Kindergarteners) so *smirks* Unless theres kids that young in this board (which I seriously doubt) I think y'all are safe
Re: Introductions

I am having brownies on 4 Days of Yummy Bready Things. Today is 10 Days so I have muffins. Or are brownies 5 Days I don't remember. I know I am not making any sense, unless, no I doubt I am making any sense but I want cake on my birthday! Anyone want muffins?
Re: Introductions

Hi there! :)

You can't imagine how excited I am to FINALLY be a member of this board :D ... I've been lurking for quite some time, and never found the time to register. But now I'm here, and it's AWESOME!! Yeah, baby! Yeah! WOO-HOO!!

So let's introduce myself.

I'm a 23 year old female, I study journalism, and I got hooked on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and on Grissom from DAY ONE -I don't know who said "This CSI is so hot, it's criminal!" but he/she was soooo right! :cool:

OK so I love Grissom ... he's sooo cool, he's smart, he's funny -love his humor, the one-liners he delivers before the credits ALWAYS crack me up LOL. He's also very private and solitary -something I can definitely relate to. He's flawed -but who's not, and that makes him even more attaching to me. He's dedicated to his work ... so dedicated that he doesn't have a life.
AND he's hot. But I think I already said that :D


I'm not here to drool, though. If I registered, it's because I appreciate CSI as a whole, and not only Grissom ... I mean, it is PERFECT! The music, the dialogues, the visuals -great cinematography, this blue light gives the show a unique and haunting atmosphere -did I tell you that blue's my favorite color? Now you know :D
The cars they use on the show ROCK!
Las Vegas ... the city that never sleeps ... there's no better place for this kind of show
William Petersen. The guy's such a gifted actor :cool: Manhunter -waayyy better than The Silence Of The Lambs if you ask me, To Live And Die In LA...
Growing his beard was a BRILLIANT move, btw :rolleyes:
BUT what like more than anything, is that you learn something everytime you watch an episode of the show. And THAT really blows my skirt up!! LOL

What else? ... I'm a screencaps MANIAC. Yup :eek:
I also like to grab sounds from my favorite movies and TV shows -so that I can listen to them on my MP3 player.
I'm very proud of my Grissom screencaps/audio clips collection ;)

Oh, one more thing. My room looks like a crime scene ... Crime scene tape everywhere -door, walls ... everybody calls me crazy but I don't care. I - AM - A - HUGE - CSI - FAN!!

Other than that, I love:

- watching movies. I'm one of those who think that the day after the Oscars should be a holiday.
- reading -never going anywhere without a book ... my bible? Forensics For Dummies :D
- surfing the net. I honestly don't know what I'd do without Internet. I wouldn't survive :rolleyes:
- Clint Eastwood -HUGE fan. Check out MY WEBPAGE and THIS forum
- Hunter, the TV show
- listening to music. I have very eclectic tastes, from Britney Spears to Metallica or Ian Brown LOL
- the US of A

............................... boy, there are so many things that I like. But I'll stop here. I don't want you to fall asleep on your keyboard :D
Re: Introductions

Hey everyone, new to the site. Not new to CSI. Love the show, it is the only thing on my TV [aside from sports or seinfeld]. My favorite is Las Vegas, I also really like Miami. Not a fan of New York however, just don't find it as appealing.

Anyway, I am going to try to post as much as I can.
Re: Introductions

Welcome there GrissomFREAK and Skip! Ye ol' Grissom charm have attracted yet another fan! Enjoy your time posting yeah! :D
Re: Introductions

GrissomFREAK and skip, welcome to the board! I hope you like the board :)
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