If You Were A CSI, What Would You Have "Issues" With?

Butterflies creep me out, which is strange considering that I don't have as big an issue with other bugs, and I even adore some of them, like dragonflies. It has to do with the colors...
*sighs* but if I ever get a chance to go to Grissom's townhouse, I'll be willing to put up with that collection of his. :D

I also can't stand thick, gooey liquids (the ever-popular liquid man jumps to mind, along with the mold from the eye in a LV season 5 eppy)
i would have issues with the whole someone could kill me thing. like what happens all the time with nick.
Until a couple of years ago, I thought I would really like dissecting bodies... however, I got to do that once (well, a tiny incision in somebody's arm, and I could not see the rest of the body), for study: Psychometric Therapy - but it involved lots of sports, and I'm not the sportive type so I quit after a while. Still I would not mind doing it, but I experienced it gives me a weird feeling. I think I could have issues with the team if I can't get along with them. Yes and what GCshipper says here above.
I have a hard time with meucus (cant't seem to spell tonight). I did a rotation in the ER going through nursing and had to assist in, a pumping of the stomach. That grossed me out, couldn't take it.
Cases involve body parts. When they stay where they belong to, it’s fine, but it’s a different story when they don’t.
I agree that Children would likely be a problem, I am not sure other than that, there is probably more.
I think we all would agree on the children. Other than that as long as I had on a pair of gloves I could conquer any sort of dead body, or parts. It's living people I couldn't handle.
Well being a doctor, I've seen it. Believe you me. I think for me the "issue" would be the criminals themselves. It boggles the mind how people can act toward others. I've seen my share of dead and dying people and children are the hardest, but its life and its work for me. All I can do is help and try to make peoples lives better and easier.
after working a hospital for a few years now, i'm pretty much used to everything, the one thing that i still have issue with is vomit, not so much the vomitus itself, it's just when i see someone vomit, i start to gag, and i completely forgot about the episode in which sara said how smiling can suppress your gag reflex, so i haven't try that yet...besides that, i'll probably have problems with children, rape or sexual assult victims