Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

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I also have a font question

Does anybody know what font is used for ''Messer''?
^ Oh, that is a nice font too, I might just have to go find it myself. ;)

Thanks csikicksurass and of course Astrid. It's my first tutorial and I hope it may be of some help for people who are new to psp. Without Astrid I would have never worked out the basics... :D
CINEGIRL....Thanks for the greeting and help ...lol... I've only been on this site 2 evenings and have fallin in love with all the banners everyone has. I decided to dust the cob-webs off my artisitc talent and make the attempt ...might not to the caliber of the rest, but definitely inspiration to continue.
I should know this. At the very least, I should be able to figure it out on my own. But... I have a question for any Photoshop Elements users. How do I import new fonts? I've found some that I like, so how do I get them into the program?
Don't they automatical show up after you putted the fonts in your font folder? That's what happends when I add fonts in my font folder.
I would like to know how I can blend different layers into each other. I'm making a banner and have different pictures that overlap each other a little, and I would like to have the pictures to blend at that overlap point so you can't see it's two different pictures just put next to each other. Does anyone know how I can do this? I searched in the help section of photoshop, but they don't clearly explain something like this. :confused:
Rellaaaa said:
Don't they automatical show up after you putted the fonts in your font folder? That's what happends when I add fonts in my font folder.

See... the thing is, I can't find a fonts folder *anywhere* on my computer. I've looked and looked. And I know that there should be one, and it doesn't make any sense at all that I can't find it :confused:
If you use Windows, the path is C:\Windows\Fonts ;) Just paste the extracted font into the Fonts folder. That should work fine.
Nope, I've got a Mac ;) But thanks anyway.

ETA: Okay, I have no idea what is going on here. I just looked again, and there was my fonts folder, right in the very first place I looked for it. Gah.
Aight. I googled it and it says you've got to put them into your System Folder. More here. Don't hunt me down if that doesn't work, I'm not a Mac user :)
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