"I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

I have a "stupid" question. I'm a novice at all this computer stuff. I was watching CSI tonight and my cable went out about halfway thru the show. Could you tell me where I could watch the end online (not download just watch) for free without any fees? Thanks K
the only way to watch it *legally* for free is on innertube, and you have to be in the united states to access that content. any other way to get the episode without paying would not be legal, and cannot be discussed on the board.

hope that helps :)
I have a question and don't have alot of info...so I hope someone can still help me! In an episode that starts with an asian in a taxi cab..the cabbie drops him off then the cabbie is shot...and the story revolves around asians in a laundry...one asian ends up dead There is a song in that episode that really has touched me, I would like the name and artist if anyone knows it.Thank you.
I guess you're thinking about the CSI:LV episode 602 "Room Service". The only song I can remember from the episode would be "Mad World" by Michael Andrews feat. Gary Jules.
If that's not the song you're looking for you should ask in the Music Forum as well. Maybe someone there can help you better... ;)
I am trying to get the name of an episode, and hope someone here can help :) ...... There is a young man that is accused of killing 2 guys in seperate cars at a gas station while the station employee was gone for five minutes. The "killer" then put both bodies in his car and buried them. As they were recovering the second body, a Priest arrived and told Grissom that the "killer" was a good boy, and would not have done it. The only thing the "killer" was guilty of was trying too hard to please everyone. At any rate, it turns out that the "killer" was not the one who killed the 2 guys, but his brother had done it, and he only buried them to protect his brother. Does anyone know the name of that episode? Hope that is enouhg info.
Thank you so much! Any idea where I can get the script to the show? The Priest had said something that I want to pass on to someone.... it went something like "He who hath been given much, much will be expected" or something like that...any ideas?
I got this from Crimelab.NL:

"To whom much is given, much will be expected."
-- Father Powell to Gil Grissom (Alter Boys)

I hope it's right. :) According to a quick Google search, the quote is from Luke 12:48 (with 'is' instead of 'will be', I believe).
I got a question, in which Season AND Episode did Dr. Robbins and Grissom sung in the morgue? I can't remember when that was, I thought that was awesome...
_Hush_ said:
I think it was 'Built to kill' (part two)
and it was hilarious :D

Yeah it was, I loved that part...7th Season, that isn't that long ago actually...My mind is leaky..LOL...Thanks
I have a question about Mac, I was reading the CSI: NY book Dead of Winter and there they refer to Mac and his wife Claire living together in Chicago. I thought Mac had met her in NY and live there since. On "One Wedding and a Funeral" he even mentioned about he proposing her on a NY building. So, how accurate is that about them living together in Chicago?
Erm well I have never seen or known of a complete profile having been found of Claire but her appearence has been mentioned in passing. And I have a feeling that the book was writen previous to season 3 in which she is described to Reed. I don't think anyone actually knows what happened to Mac and Claire brefore they got married and like you said the proposal was only mentioned in a very recent ep! So in my opinion I think that the part about them living in Chicago could be true but there is no solid evidence to support it!

Does answer your question [I am sorry if I rambled on!]