"I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

Also, as much as the writers of the books try to be as accurate with the TV series as possible, they are not reviewed by the TV producers. So, they might not be as officially approved and edited by them. They are just edited by the people at Pocket Books (division of Simon and Schuster) for spelling and grammar. Those books might not be considered as canon. I hope I made this clear.
Thanks for the explanation nattybatty, I thought I missed or misunderstood something.

And thanks for clarifying me that Dynamo, I thought the writers of the books got access to some kind of "character's bible" and they knew more about the character's backgrounds than us.
Even with such a bible, there have been inconsistencies in books just as there have been in episodes.
there was an episode in CSI:NY in season 3 where a killer falls at the end of the episode handcuffed by mac from a building and then the episode ends .. i was going to watch what happens next in the next episode but it missed .. can any1 explain what happens in the next episode .. plz .. and how did the killer fall .. !!
Song used in "A la Cart"

It was playing at the end when Sara was watching all of them in the go carts. I've herd it several times on the radio but miss the titel and the artist everytime. Any help is appreciated
Hi, I have have a question about the season 7 episode "Law of Gravity"? I've seen several screencaps where Nick is holding a baby....I never saw the episode and was wondering why he had the baby? Thanks in advance.
The victim in the epsiode has a baby. The nanny came to the crime lab and handed over the baby to Nick becuase she couldn't look after it any longer.