* I Heart Old Movies*

I adore Audrey Hepburn. I am going to be buying "How to Steal a Million" soon, I just keep putting it off.

I also loved Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, etc.

I also love the very old silent film "The General." Its such an hilarious film.
I see the thread first now... :eek: It's great !

I adore Laurence Olivier, Clark Gable and Cary Grant very much !
The men were so charming, interesting and puzzling.
Wonderful actors in unforgotten movies.
It's a great pity because isn't gives today such arrestingly men with many capability....

My favourites old movies are:

The Price and the Showgirl
Gone with the Wind
Arsenic and Old Lace
Happilyhappy said:
I adore Audrey Hepburn. I am going to be buying "How to Steal a Million" soon, I just keep putting it off.

I also loved Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, etc.

I also love the very old silent film "The General." Its such an hilarious film.

For sure Audrey Hepburn.. classic.. gorgeous.. pixie like, wonderful..charming.. the best! and with Cary Grant in "CHARADE' and her outstanding performance in "THE NUN" Oscar worthy..and Cary Grant in "FATHER GOOSE" :lol: with another great French actress Leslie Caron!
Happilyhappy said:
I adore Audrey Hepburn. I am going to be buying "How to Steal a Million" soon, I just keep putting it off.

I also loved Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, etc.

Audrey Hepburn is one of the greatest person to ever live. Not only is she a great actress but she's also a great person as well. I admire her for everything she's giving back to society. It's hard to find someone as selfless as her. I have yet to find one flaw about her. I just watched her in "Paris When It Sizzles" & she was absolutely hilarious.

TCM is gonna have a Marlon Brando tribute next week & I'm excited 'cause they'll be airing, "A Streetcar Named Desire", "Guys & Dolls" & "On The Waterfront". He was gorgeous when he was young.

I'm also looking forward to seeing "High Society", starring Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby & Frank Sinatra. Supposedly it's the musical version of "The Philadelphia Story", which is a classic.
Audrey Hepburn is absolutely amazing. I actually started liking her after TCM aired Funny Face and after that, they aired Breakfast At Tiffany's. TCM..bringing people together! :lol: That should be their motto or something. And I like (as far as I remember) that there aren't really any commercials during movies, which bothers me a lot.
^ Really? One of the reasons why I enjoy TCM is because there are no commercials during the films. I usually tivo the films & watch them during the evening & I hate having to fast forward through the films. To me it takes away the flow & simplicity of the film, but that's just me.

Here are some intresting facts, taken from "Breakfast at Tiffany's":

Tiffany's opened its doors on a Sunday for the first time since the 19th century so that filming could take place inside the store.

Author Truman Capote envisioned Marilyn Monroe in the part of Holly. Monroe was originally cast as Holly Golightly but her drama coach, Lee Strasberg, told her that playing a call-girl was not good for her image.

Audrey Hepburn hated Danish pastries, making filming the famous opening scene a bit of a chore for her.

Although not visible on camera, hundreds of onlookers watched Hepburn's window-shopping scene at the start of the film. This made her nervous and she kept making mistakes. It wasn't until a crew member nearly got electrocuted behind the camera that she pulled herself together and finished the scene.

Hepburn said the scene where she throws Cat into the rainy street was the most distasteful thing she ever had to do on film.

Audrey felt that she was miscast as Holly Golightly in this film, although it was one of her most popular roles.

The song "Moon River" was written especially for Audrey Hepburn, since she had no training as a singer. The vocals were written to be sung in only one octave.

At a post-production meeting following a screening of the film, a studio executive, in reference to "Moon River," said, "Well, I think the first thing we can do is get rid of that stupid song." Audrey Hepburn stood up at the table and said, "Over my dead body!" The song stayed in the picture.

Kim Novak told Larry King that she was offered the part of Holly Golightly before Hepburn.

About nine cats were used throughout the film as the role of Cat.

Very interesting. And I'm glad they went with Audrey instead of Marilyn & Kim. I don't think the film would've been the same.
jorja & other Audrey fans, I highly recommend you get or try to catch her in "THE NUN' you'll be blown away.. unbeliveable what she goes thought.. it's like 4 hrs. in the Nazi era.. and well, don't want to give it away.. you've got to see this one with her. if you liked her before in her other movies.. you'll be so overwhelmed by her performance in this one!
I LOVE the Marx Bros., plus Film noir, gangster movies, and Frank Capra movies (esp. Arsenic and Old Lace) and I love Bogie, and Gary Cooper. I'm pretty much addicted to TCM...you should see my DVD collection.
I'm so excited 'cause they're showing "My Fair Lady" on TCM in two days on TCM :D. However, I think the schedule for Canada & America are completly different so I dunno if they'll airing it there.

Soon I'll watch "High Society" which is the musical equivelent of "The Philadelphia Story". Instead of Katharine Hepburn there's Grace Kelly, instead of Cary Grant there's Bing Crosby & instead of Jimmy Stewart there's Frank Sinatra.

Earlier I watched "Guys & Dolls" & I must say that Marlon Brando was an absolute dream in it. Along with Paul Newman, Cary Grant, Gary Cooper & James Dean he's one of the sexiest men ever. My god, he was beyond hot in "A Streetcar Named Desire". It's sad that no men like them exist anymore :(.

"Cover Girl" is another good one. I loved Rita Hayworth & Gene Kelly, especially during the scenes where they "ate" the oysters :lol:.
Damn..I'm already loving this thread...
I absolutely adore Audrey Hepburn...

Hey..Can't forget Gregory Peck..The man's a great actor...To Kill A Mockingbird
Noticed nobody mentioned him...

And yes...Can never forget Hitchcock films...
Bogart is amazing. One of the things I adored about him was his smooth, sexy voice. It's so signature that no other man sounds like him.

I finished watching "My Fair Lady" & holy crap, I laughed so frigging hard. Personally, I prefer Eliza with her cockney accent as she was much more funnier. One classic scene was when Higgins placed five marbles(sp?) in Eliza's mouth to improve her speaking & she accidently swallowed one. What made it funny was her face & the fact that Higgins was totally unfazed by the situation. He just put more in her mouth :lol:.

My favourite song was "Just You Wait Henry Higgins" because it was priceless :lol:. The way she says "theatre" kills me. I put the song on my ipod right away.

Who could forget the way she started her vowels at first :lol:. There was tons of grear & funny moments.

I think this film has become my favourite Audrey one, possibly because she was absolutely hilarious in it & her transformation was amazing. Absolutely brilliant film.

"I'm a good girl, I am!" :lol:
Colonel Worf said:
I just watched The Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep the other day. Bogart really was the man.

Oh yeah, Bogie as Sam Spade or as Rick Blaine in Casablanca. That cant be beat. He was THE leading man of the day.

A good Bogie and Bacall movie is Dark Passage, real good film noir flick.
I think I'll rent "Gone With The Wind" this weekend but I hear it's quite long. Ah well. Who could forget that classic line, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"

The Wizard of Oz is a classic too. I adored Judy Garland in that film. What a beautiful voice.

They're airing a bunch of Katharine Hepburn films on TCM. I can't wait to see "Bringing Up Baby" & "Adam's Rib". Katharine was very blunt in what she said & I love that. Some of her quotes on imdb are brutal but absolutely hilarious in a twisted way :lol:.

Ooh, and in my previous post it should be "great" instead of "grear".