* I Heart Old Movies*

mandy9578 said:
Glad to see someone else who loves the film. :) Did you know that Tennessee Williams didn't like the movie version since the homosexual overtones of Brick and Skipper's relationship were downplayed? Studio executives didn't think it was appropriate for the big screen.

Mandy, interesting. I didn't know that, but wouldn't surprise me TW feeling that way.
I love all the "Ma & PA Kettle" movies. I recieved them all as a christmas gift, and have been watching them over. The funny thing is, Pa is so lazy and funny, but has these crazy ideas that always seem to work, with his Indian friends, Crowbar and Geoduck.

Margorie Main and Percy Kilbride, and their fifteen children, running around their farm.

These comedies, will live on forever, and so will the laughter, that never gets borring. I highly recomend these to anyone young or old, who love great comedy. :)
It's been 24hrs,

Okay...I'm not sure how many of you remember the comedy's of Bob Hope, and Phyllis Diller. But my mom recieved "Boy did I get a wrong number". Talk about a hoot, I've never laughed so hard in my life, I swear I almost peed my pants. Especially when they got into the soap suds, and they were speeding down the highway, on the motorcycle, with soap bubbles blowing out of the exhast, damn it was so funny, and that laugh of Phyllis's is so amazingly funny, my eyes were full of tears. :lol: :lol:

If you get a chance rent it, it's more than hilarious, the best slap stick in a long time. :lol: :lol:
I just thought I'd revive this thread. :p

mandy9578 said:
Glad to see someone else who loves the film. :) Did you know that Tennessee Williams didn't like the movie version since the homosexual overtones of Brick and Skipper's relationship were downplayed? Studio executives didn't think it was appropriate for the big screen.

Mandy, interesting. I didn't know that, but wouldn't surprise me TW feeling that way.

Yeah, I agree about TW. He was so disappointed that they left out the homosexual overtones of the play.

Anybody here ever seen the original version of Yours, Mine and Ours? It starred Henry Fonda, Lucille Ball and a very young and handsome Tim Matheson. It's much better than the remake IMO. It was too damn funny. :lol:
i just bought "Bonnie and Clyde" with Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty. i liked his movie a lot. i don't usually watch older movies from before the mid '70s so it was interesting to see the way the movie was filmed.
My favorite movie of all time is "Breakfast at Tiffany's" Audrey Hepburn was the most elegant, beautiful woman of her day. I also love Cary Grant in "North by Northwest" and Doris Day/Rock Hudson in "Pillow Talk"