I Have An "LV" Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P2

Re: Is the CSI lab, police station, and corners office connected?

I'm still wondering if we've ever seen the "drying room". Maybe that's Trace or Tox. However, we do know that there are a couple different levels to the lab, as we've seen the characters come down stairways numerous times. I'm guessing there are more labs on that level - including the evidence locker, which we've also seen a number of times, but not listed in the layout picture.
Re: Is the CSI lab, police station, and corners office connected?

I'm still wondering if we've ever seen the "drying room". Maybe that's Trace or Tox. However, we do know that there are a couple different levels to the lab, as we've seen the characters come down stairways numerous times. I'm guessing there are more labs on that level - including the evidence locker, which we've also seen a number of times, but not listed in the layout picture.

*doing her best impersonation of someone with A no life and B a long memory*

I don't think the drying room's appeared in a while, but it has appeared in s1 ($35k OBO, I think - Sara and Warrick have a short conversation about it with Warrick saying how creepy it is and Sara saying that she likes it; it's peaceful!) and I *THINK* that set doubles also as the evidence locker...or it might be that the evidence locker and the drying room are one and the same.

For filming purposes, DNA is redressed for tox and the print lab is redressed for trace (which is probably why there's no mention of them on the floor plan) - at least, that's what Richard Berg and Elizabeth Devine say happens on the set tours...!

And good point about the stairs. Though I'd always figured that the upstairs part was probably administrative offices - particularly Ecklie's office as that always seems to be quite a way away from the labs (again, set floor plan to the contrary; I'm just going by how it's shown on screen *grin*)


I think I'm still leaning towards MC Escher having a hand in this lab somewhere!
I've been analyzing that floor plan and thinking about episodes where you get a clearer picture of the lab. If you look at the plan, there are doorways leading out behind the break room, print lab and A/V lab. There's probably more to this floor than the picture shows.

I think Tox is behind Prints. Wasn't it in "Lab Rats" where Hodges is sending texts to his fellow techs and you see Henry's lab behind Mandy's?

The only one that doesn't fit is Trace. The floor plan fits perfectly with episodes in the early seasons where Jacqui, Greg and Archie were all across from each other. Yet now, Trace sits directly across from DNA? Again, in "Lab Rats" Hodges sees Wendy in front of Mandy and Henry. He looks to his side and he sees Archie. So basically A/V magically shifted over to make room for Trace.

Figures they'd have to make the whole lab revolve around Hodges...
I think Tox is behind Prints. Wasn't it in "Lab Rats" where Hodges is sending texts to his fellow techs and you see Henry's lab behind Mandy's?

It might be, in Lab Rats, but in Iced, it's clearly in the middle of the lab, like DNA is - and I think there's another episode where it's shown to be somewhere else again, so I think what it boils down to is that Tox moves around the set based on the requirements of the filming schedule, which is a fine real world explanation, but does make me stick with the idea that MC Escher had a hand in designing the lab...

As for the lab revolving round Hodges, I think he'd argue that all the work revolves around him so why shouldn't the lab?:lol:
As for the lab revolving round Hodges, I think he'd argue that all the work revolves around him so why shouldn't the lab?:lol:
Funny but probably true.

Actually I believe that Trace and Prints share...well, not in the show itself, but when filming, the same lab is used for both. Although, I think it is more set up to revolve around trace, but it is used for both. Actually there is something on one of the recent box sets involving a virtual tour of the lab.
As for the lab revolving round Hodges, I think he'd argue that all the work revolves around him so why shouldn't the lab?:lol:
Funny but probably true.

Actually I believe that Trace and Prints share...well, not in the show itself, but when filming, the same lab is used for both. Although, I think it is more set up to revolve around trace, but it is used for both. Actually there is something on one of the recent box sets involving a virtual tour of the lab.

You may be right about Trace and Prints sharing during filming. I'm remembering on one of the DVD extras where they tour the lab...I know they mention that the garage on the set is used for something else sometimes, but I can't remember what it is. Maybe I'll try to check that out later today. :)
Wow. The CSI building must be like the Tardis of Dr. Who: small on the outside but huge inside. Would documents (handwriting, counterfeiting, etc) be in its own lab?
Wow. The CSI building must be like the Tardis of Dr. Who: small on the outside but huge inside. Would documents (handwriting, counterfeiting, etc) be in its own lab?

I was wondering about those too. The Lab is supposed to be multilevel so maybe they're on another floor.

Or it's actually a living organism that morphs itself to fit the needs of its occupants.
For anyone who is a fan of CSI, the original in Las Vegas. Is the CSI lab, police station, and corners office all connected? Or do they have to drive to different buildings? Because over the years they have done things that make me believe they are all connected, and sometimes they said and did things that make it look like they had to drive to separate buildings.

I think it possibly depends a little bit on the requirements of the script!

That said, the lab and the morgue are in the same building - the opening sequence of s10's Family Affair confirms this as the shot tracks from the morgue to the lab and then to the outside - and PD seems to MOSTLY be a separate building, though it could be that you have the lab on one side of a parking lot and the police station on the other side.

Of course, that doesn't resolve things like Robbins' statement in Playing With Fire about "bringing the bullets over", which implies that the morgue is NOT part of the lab building, but...

Yea, I remeber watching s4 Assume Nothing, Catherine and nick were in a rush to get to the mourge and they got there VERY quickly. Like as if they didn't eve to leave the building. So I beliave the mourge is conected to the lab.

And as far as the other comments, I think everything is all on one floor. Becuase Eklie's office(according to the Ultimate Guid) is right next to the break room. And they mostly just double-up the labs. Fingerprints is also trace, and DNA, is also tox. Also, documents analysis is in either the layout room or the Evidence room. And speaking of the Evidence room, its located in the corner of the hall way right across from DNA and bettwen The A/V lab and the locer room.

I've been paying close attention to the layout of the whole lab for a while now. The only thing that conffused me was if the Police station and the corners office were all coneccted. But I think Athersgeo is right. The corners office is connected to the lab and the police station is located accross the parking lot or right around the block.
I'm still giggling at the idea of the lab being a living organism, though I think TARDIS is probably nearer the mark...

New question: Where/how does Brass wear his gun? I know all the CSIs who carry have hip holsters, but what I'm not sure about is whether Brass does too or whether he uses a shoulder holster.

Any thoughts?

(And how sad is it that I know more about the building layout than I do about one of the characters?...! :lol:)
New question: Where/how does Brass wear his gun? I know all the CSIs who carry have hip holsters, but what I'm not sure about is whether Brass does too or whether he uses a shoulder holster.

He carries his gun on his right hip. It's usually hidden by his jacket but in an episode like "Locomotives" where he's out and about without the jacket, you can see it.

As for where things are located, I always thought PD and the lab at least shared a parking lot/garage because of all the cop cars parked nearby in some of the exterior shots. Also, in the early seasons, Brass was always hanging out in the breakroom with the rest of the team or popping in to Grissom's office.
Does anyone know what the song was that was "sung" by Randy J. Goodwin who played the singer Myles Rueben? From s4, 'Grissom Versus the Volcano'.
Does anyone know what the song was that was "sung" by Randy J. Goodwin who played the singer Myles Rueben? From s4, 'Grissom Versus the Volcano'.

He sings a couple of songs, but as far as I know, they aren't "real" songs. The only song that is named by its title is "Amelia" , the song he wrote for his wife.