'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

Do you remember something more, like what the case was about? The only thing I can think about is Calleigh interviewing a young girl who cuts herself when Eric's teraphist's daughter is murdered, but I have a feeling it was not that one you were reffering to ;).
Is the song Baba O'Riley by The Who featured in a Miami-episode? I listened to it earlier today and got a feeling it had been used in a key scene on Miami, but I can't remember which one. At first I thought it was the song they played when Alexx left in A Rock And A Hard Place, but it isn't :guffaw:.

I know it is a bit of an impossible question, but someone in here has to be "nerdier" than me, righ? ;)
Is the song Baba O'Riley by The Who featured in a Miami-episode? I listened to it earlier today and got a feeling it had been used in a key scene on Miami, but I can't remember which one. At first I thought it was the song they played when Alexx left in A Rock And A Hard Place, but it isn't :guffaw:.

I know it is a bit of an impossible question, but someone in here has to be "nerdier" than me, righ? ;)
Baba O'Reilly is the CSI New York theme. The only time I recall it being played on CSI Miami was a two-parter that began in Miami, continued in NY. Three such possibilites would be "Mia/NY - NonStop", "Felony Flight", and "Bone Voyage".
Really? I had no idea, I don't think I've seen one episode of it apart from the crossovers, so it must be from there ;) . Thank you!

I did look into it a bit though, and I suddenly remember it from "In Deep", MSP's ski movie from last season. Sean Petit has the opening apart to this song, so I am thinking that maybe I got things mixed up a little bit!
Does anyone remember an episode from several years ago. The end of the episode the Suspect was some guy who worked for the government or some high up military guy, and he told Horatio it would take years before they would even look at the case or something like that and Horatio said he wouldn't forget... and it ends with the guy being free for the time... I have been remembering that episode and I'm just curious did they ever revisit that and put that guy on trial. That would have been pretty impressive by the producers to go back that far and end that episode.

Sorry if my description is vague but I'm going purely off memory from a while back.
Are you sure it's a Miami - episode? :) I've just re-watched the whole show from beginning to present and I can't remember any case like this. The only episode I could possibly think of is Blood Brothers were Ramon Cruz accidentally kills a girl but they can't convict him because he's got some diplomacy immunity because of the country he is from, but they end up convicting him anyway at the end outside of the U.S border on a fishing boat. However, they can't catch his brother, Clavo, at the time but Horatio says that Miami never closes or something like that. Then they convict him with murder later.

Edit: Here is a MUCH better explanation ;):
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Can anyone tell me what episode it is where Calleigh says "I'm a CSI, a damn good one" or something like that. I thought it was like All In, but I can't find it. :lol: And who is she saying it to?
Can anyone tell me what episode it is where Calleigh says "I'm a CSI, a damn good one" or something like that. I thought it was like All In, but I can't find it. :lol: And who is she saying it to?

Season 1 episode Forced Entry.I think she says it to a suspect.
Funny that I remember that scene clearly and I've only seen it once, like 7 years ago.Cal was not my fave then, actually, the opposite.
Can anyone tell me what episode it is where Calleigh says "I'm a CSI, a damn good one" or something like that. I thought it was like All In, but I can't find it. :lol: And who is she saying it to?

Season 1 episode Forced Entry.I think she says it to a suspect.
Thank you! :D I wasn't even close with All In, lmao.

EDIT: I have yet another quote question. What episode is it where Horatio says "you couldn't find your ass with both hands" or something along those lines?
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EDIT: I have yet another quote question. What episode is it where Horatio says "you couldn't find your ass with both hands" or something along those lines?

I believe that line was courtesy of "Dispo Day" in season one. It was spoken by Horatio to the IAB investigator who had decided that Calleigh should be suspended because she popped positive for drugs (the drug test results were a result of her unknowingly breathing in the heroin at a crime scene).
I am wondering do we ever know who Horatio's mother is? I know she's mentioned a few times but is there ever a flashback or something that we see her or know who may have played her? I have Seasons 1 to 4 DVDs and watched them but not for a long time now. Mind you I didn't watch the extras DVDs either so I may even have that info and not even know it. And I know the TPTB never followed up with the story which I think they need to. It may be good to do that.
I didn't have time to go through the entire list of questions and answers here so please bear with me.:)

Sorry if I sound like a nutbar or something. I thought who better to ask than you fine folks. :cool: Thanks in advance for your replies.

No they've never identified her by name or picture, and there's been no flashbacks of any kind, despite the many pleas by fans. And don't worry, you're not a nutbar.