'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

"Losing Face" was just shown today on A&E. This week they have apparently gone back to Season 1, beginning with "Golden Parachute" on Monday.
Which season was Miami's highest rated? I thought I had read previously it was season 3,but I can't seem to find that information now.
^ Yeah, I heard it was season 3 as well.

Wikipedia has the average US ratings for each season listed, though I don't know how completely reliable the sources are. Judging by the ratings throughout the years posted at CSIFiles, it seems relatively accurate -- give or take a few extremes on both sides of the scale (unusually high/low rated episodes) that may have influenced the numbers.

The breakdown (that they posted) is:

Season 1 - 16.57
Season 2 - 18.06
Season 3 - 19.00
Season 4 - 18.12
Season 5 - 17.10
Season 6 - 15.56
Season 7 - 14.22
Season 8 - 12.62
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^ Yeah, I heard it was season 3 as well.

Wikipedia has the average US ratings for each season listed, though I don't know how completely reliable the sources are. Judging by the ratings throughout the years posted at CSIFiles, it seems relatively accurate -- give or take a few extremes on both sides of the scale (unusually high/low rated episodes) that may have influenced the numbers.

The breakdown (that they posted) is:

Season 1 - 16.57
Season 2 - 18.06
Season 3 - 19.00
Season 4 - 18.12
Season 5 - 17.10
Season 6 - 15.56
Season 7 - 14.22
Season 8 - 12.62

Are those on average per season, Geni?

I looked under the episode list (wikipedia; link below) & some of them in seasons 1-4 had 20 million or so viewers. *is confused*

^ Yeah, I heard it was season 3 as well.

Wikipedia has the average US ratings for each season listed, though I don't know how completely reliable the sources are. Judging by the ratings throughout the years posted at CSIFiles, it seems relatively accurate -- give or take a few extremes on both sides of the scale (unusually high/low rated episodes) that may have influenced the numbers.

The breakdown (that they posted) is:

Season 1 - 16.57
Season 2 - 18.06
Season 3 - 19.00
Season 4 - 18.12
Season 5 - 17.10
Season 6 - 15.56
Season 7 - 14.22
Season 8 - 12.62

Are those on average per season, Geni?

I looked under the episode list (wikipedia; link below) & some of them in seasons 1-4 had 20 million or so viewers. *is confused*


The board that I saw (in the first link) stated "Seasonal rankings (based on average total viewers per episode) of CSI: Miami on CBS." so I'm assuming so.

But rating extremes (20+ million or 9- million) might skew the numbers one way or the other and may not give the most accurate representation of the overall season so they could have chosen to calculate using the Mode or Median instead of the Mean (I'm having highschool flashbacks :eek: :lol:) to eliminate extremes.

Just calculated the Mean of season 4 real quick and I got 19.05 where they got 18.12. So either I calculated wrong, their source calculated wrong (ABC Medianet? Looks like both Wikipedia links have the same source) which I have to say I doubt, lol, or they were using a different means of calculating the average. Maybe I'm just discombobulating everyone and should go back to my hidey hole in the sand. :p :D
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^ Yeah, I heard it was season 3 as well.

Wikipedia has the average US ratings for each season listed, though I don't know how completely reliable the sources are. Judging by the ratings throughout the years posted at CSIFiles, it seems relatively accurate -- give or take a few extremes on both sides of the scale (unusually high/low rated episodes) that may have influenced the numbers.

The breakdown (that they posted) is:

Season 1 - 16.57
Season 2 - 18.06
Season 3 - 19.00
Season 4 - 18.12
Season 5 - 17.10
Season 6 - 15.56
Season 7 - 14.22
Season 8 - 12.62
Thanks Finch.
Wikipedia isn't so reliable.I have checked CSI's ratings in wikipedia many times and the ratings from past seasons change frequently either up or down!
Theres a episode where you get to see ryans ID from the gunrange - think it comes up after they run his fingerprints. What did his stats say? And does anyone have a screenshot or clip?

Also while I'm kind of on the topic, what are H's, cal's, delko's, nat's, frank's and alexx's ages on the show. Are there any references to them?
I am new to the forum and have a question. In these forums, there is an avatar with a picture of Eric and Calleigh talking where she is wearing a red jacket and he is wearing a white shirt with red spots (like things) on it. I would like very much to know which episode this is. I am sure its not 6, 7 or 8 because I've watched these multiple times ( and this wasn't the scene where they were talking in 'in the wind' (season 8)
I am new to the forum and have a question. In these forums, there is an avatar with a picture of Eric and Calleigh talking where she is wearing a red jacket and he is wearing a white shirt with red spots (like things) on it. I would like very much to know which episode this is. I am sure its not 6, 7 or 8 because I've watched these multiple times ( and this wasn't the scene where they were talking in 'in the wind' (season 8)
I'm not sure but I think you might be referring to 5x22 "burned" when Calleigh was wearing a red silk blouse while Eric was wearing one of his flowerish ugly stuff....meaning a white shirt with red flowers on it :lol:

Hope it helped ;)