'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

Re: Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers*

Wikipedia says that Adelle Sevilla (from season one) was fired due to her warning a suspect in Simple Man that the PD was coming down. Is that true? I know it wasn't showed, but sometimes CBS takes plots beyond the TV screen.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

I'm trying to write a fanfiction about Kyle, and I'm finding some gaps in the story. Maybe you guys can help me out. My two questions are...

1) Who was Kyle's legal guardian (foster parent or otherwise) at the time of his parole officer's murder?
2) Where was he living at the time of his parole officer's murder?

Here's the problem. Yelina goes to the boat-foster-dad-guy because he was supposedly Kyle's last foster father. But the man says that Kyle was "sent to juvie and I don't collect on him no more." Which means that Kyle was definetly not living there, since he spent six months in juvie. We don't know how much time passed between his release from juvenile detention and the interrogation with eric, but we can assume it's been at least a couple of weeks. Where has he been living all that time?

The biggest problem I see is this: If Kyle was living on his own (on the streets, since he's a minor and not able to rent a place), how did the police contact him to bring him in for interrogation? I'm assuming they didn't just run into him on the street.

Anyone understand this?
Re: Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers*

Wikipedia says that Adelle Sevilla (from season one) was fired due to her warning a suspect in Simple Man that the PD was coming down. Is that true? I know it wasn't showed, but sometimes CBS takes plots beyond the TV screen.

If I remember correctly, that is, indeed, true. I remember Horatio getting on her case about it and her handing over her stuff in the episode.

MaddyAnn, I don't think they ever really mentioned it... at least as far as I remember. The last foster parent was the boat guy, but I don't know who he was living with or anything. They might have put him into a group home though? I don't know... I could be really off, but that's my guess.
I'm trying to write a fanfiction about Kyle, and I'm finding some gaps in the story. Maybe you guys can help me out. My two questions are...

1) Who was Kyle's legal guardian (foster parent or otherwise) at the time of his parole officer's murder?
2) Where was he living at the time of his parole officer's murder?

The biggest problem I see is this: If Kyle was living on his own (on the streets, since he's a minor and not able to rent a place), how did the police contact him to bring him in for interrogation? I'm assuming they didn't just run into him on the street.

Anyone understand this?

I made the assumption he was still in Juvie, maybe on a work release type situation, since we know he had a job.

I have a question which hasn't been addressed that I've seen. Why is CSI Miami showing Season 5 reruns instead of this past season? Both CSI and CSI NY are showing the more recent episodes.
I'm guessing it might have to do with CSI Miami starting to film later than the other two, and TPTB planning ahead in the event of a strike. Anybody have any idea? At this point, we get the same shows on CBS on Monday, CBS Weekend and A&E through the week. Why not Season 6? Or are they trying to pump up potential sales when the dvd comes on in September? But that should also hold true for the others.

Does anyone, probably Australian, have any idea what is going on with CSI: Miami in Australia? They showed like, one or two eps of the new season, if any, over here, and then stopped. Having come nearly to the season finales of the other two CSI shows, I'm kind of concerned because I'd like to this season too. Any info anyone?
I don't know where you are in Australia, but I'm hearing from friends in Melbourne that new episodes of CSI Miami will begin next Sunday, July 13th, at 8:30. Hope that helps!

Oops. I just realized I had been the last poster, and I'm not sure how to fix it. Speed_cochrane, where are you?
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Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

I have merged both of your posts together for you. :) There isn't much you can do on your end if you accidentally double post unless you delete that post then edit the previous reply. :/ But deleting posts isn't something we like to encourage.

inthewind said:
I have a question which hasn't been addressed that I've seen. Why is CSI Miami showing Season 5 reruns instead of this past season? Both CSI and CSI NY are showing the more recent episodes.

I've been wondering the same thing. :vulcan:
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Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Thanks, Speed_cochrane, I knew you could fix it.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Why are there no reruns from seasons 2-4 on, ever? It's always season 5 with the occasional season 1.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

2 is on A&E a bunch. 3 and 4 aren't as prevalent on that channel, but are shown also.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Why are there no reruns from seasons 2-4 on, ever? It's always season 5 with the occasional season 1.

You're probably just missing them. A&E just recently finished up airing repeats of s4.
Wed. & Fri. they usually have a full night of repeats that are from later seasons, & the noon & six slots are from earlier seasons.

Like for today, 'Money for Nothing' is the noon & 6 epi (where I live) & 'Death Pool 101' & 'Looks could kill' follow.

You might also check the Saturday night CBS repeats. They're on back to back & sometimes a repeat gets thrown in earlier in the night. I think they just finished up s4 as well.

Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Sorry if this has been asked before or something, but I don't know where to find this stuff. How many posts or how long do you have to be one here to make an avatar? Or to do PMing?
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

If I remember correctly, you have to have 50 posts and have been a member for 2 weeks before you can have an avatar or send/receive PM's.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Also, if you look at the descriptions of each section of this board on the talk CSI main page, you will see one called Questions, Suggestions, and Feedback. That is for questions about the board itself and not the CSI shows. Hope that helps.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

haha I'll go there next time! I was just hit with confusion and went to the first question thread I saw.

*rolls eyes at self*
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

I'm not terribly computer savvy and keep trying to figure out how to put a spoiler box into a post so as not to offend. I can't seem to figure it out. Would someone please give me steps to imbed the box into my post. Thanks!