'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Eric is a tool marks and tire treads and fingerprint expert and Ryan is a trace expert.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLE

I was just wondering, Calleigh's specialty is ballistics, I figure, Nat's is DNA analysis, what's Delko and Ryan's?

Delko and Ryan's specialty is being the eye candy of the show! :)

Oh, did I just say that. :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLE

^^ Actually, Calleigh's the tool marks expert based upon 'A Horrible Mind', 'Dead Zone', 'The Best Defense' where she said tool marks where her specialty. :lol: (That coupled with Ballistics)

Eric's specialty is vehicle treads, underwater recovery and I think fingerprints--like you said, CaRWash_Cutie. :)
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLE

Delko and Ryan's specialty is being the eye candy of the show! :)
:guffaw::guffaw:This one is perfect:lol:.

As far as I know Eric's specialities are fingerprints, vehicle treads and underwater recovery.

Calleigh's the tool marks expert...plus she's "Bullet girl" so I'd obviously say she's a the ballistic expert of Miami;)

Ryan's traces expert like once Tim was *sigh*
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLE

*gives a small smile* I'm back with another question. Does anyone know if Ryan is left or Right handed
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLE

From what I've seen on the show, I believe he's left-handed.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

In which episode does Horatio say that a murder suspect can have his ring back "in about 75 years"?
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Maybe this question's already been asked before, but I was watching "Nothing To Lose", and I was wondering, how many people has Horatio watched die throughout the series?
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

The ones (off the top of my head) that has has watched die, but not killed are:

-Belle King in 'Dead Woman Walking'
-Marty in 'Hurricane Anthony'
-Euegene in 'Witness to Murder' - Sort of. He was with him while he was dying, but didn't actually see him die.
-Speed - 'Lost Son'
-That guy in 'Nothing to Lose' (who runs into the fire)

There was also a bad guy who had a spear or something shoved into him and he was lying on a boat and Horatio was there until he died--the guy pulled the spear out, causing him to bleed to death right in front of H. I can't remember which episode, but I believe it was somewhere between season three and four.

-An officer in 'From the Grave'
-Marisol in 'Rampage'
-Raymond Caine in 'Rio'
-Officer Jessop in 'One of our Own'
-Clavo Cruz in 'Man Down' - But H killed him. :lol:

So those are just the ones (besides Clavo) who he saw die but didn't actually kill. I'm sure there were more, because I can't remember half of season 4 and 5. As for the ones he's actually killed, gosh, at least one per every two episodes as of late. :lol:
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