I Can't Believe It #6

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I can't believe that my mum comes in every 5 minutes to tell me to do something !! I have holidays i'm allowed to do nothing. -.-
I can't believe my brother has been messing around with my computer while I was downstairs :eek:. Normally my screen goes black after 15 minutes and I was away for 40 minutes... he went back upstairs just 10 minutes before I did... :mad:
I can't believe how ill I am feeling! So unfair. :(
I can't believe I still have 3000 words to write for my report, and it is due in on Jan 2nd.
I can't believe how excited I am with my new laptop, I love it!
^ Hope you feel better soon Elsie. Go put the kettle on, eh? ;)

I can't believe Virgin Megastore were having a buy one get one free sale on ALL CSI dvds (LV, Miami and NY) :eek: I got S3 of Miami, and was so pleased :D
I can't believe I just spent so much on a dress... it's not even for anything in particular... ahh well!

I can't believe it's New Years Eve tomorrow... its crazy how fast the year has gone!
I can't believe so many things have happened in this past year.. good things and bad things.

I can't believe I'm having my "looking-back-at-this-year-and-see-what-has-happened-to-me-week" Blegh.. I hate those psychological thought.

I can't believe I'm spending new year's eve with mum and dad, while I could go to the pub with friends *sigh*
wibble said:
Hope you feel better soon Elsie. Go put the kettle on, eh? ;)

:lol: It's true, tea always makes me feel better. Thanks wibbs

I can't believe I am still not feeling OK, this is the fourth day now.

I can't believe British Gas still haven't turned up to fix the boiler (between 8am-1pm they said) they are more than an hour late.

I can't believe my Mother is going on a 4 month cruise, leaving in a week! I will actually miss her even though she is annoying... :(
I can't believe I straightened my hair for 1 hour today and they still look exactly like they did before.
I can't believe I haven’t eaten anything since about 3pm yesterday afternoon. I'm not really hungry. :eek:
^ *gasps* Tink! :eek: You'll make thyself ill :eek: (unless of course you have a virus or something, and that's why you're not hungry :p). *hugs*
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