I Can't Believe It #6

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Continued from #5 found here

I can't believe we are on to thread #6 so quickly!

Congratulations everyone *throws confetti* :p

I can't believe it is nearly Christmas :D
yay new thread !!!

i can't believe i just wrote 3 business letters in one lesson although i had 2 weeks time for that.
I can't believe my history exam went fine. :)

I can't believe we've only got one exam left and then Christmas vacation.
New thread, w00t!

I can't believe I'm at school right now.
I can't believe I just patted my friend on the shoulder, really hard. And she's laughing right now.
I can't believe school's boring! Well, actually I can.
I can't believe we have a thread

I can't believe I sit in school and do nothing

I cant believe this is my last lesson and then I have vacation :D
wibble said:
^ Tut tut Tink, you're looking chubbier every day!


I shouldn't really eat so much before Christmas, as I know I'm going to eat a lot over Christmas. :eek:

I can't believe I dropped my phone in Tescos and now the damn thing won't flip shut. :eek: It's going to cost me £25 to fix (that's if they can fix it :eek:). I've only had the phone for 3 months. :(
I can't believe I have been banned from participating in the office Christmas quiz for cheating! That's what the internet net is for... :lol: Stupid quizmaster, I cheat every year!
New thread! I can't believe it!
I can't believe I managed to pull a shoulder muscle while sitting in a car :(
I can't believe my internet isn't working properly.
I can't believe I'm so addicted to Taylor Swift's music. I've been listening to it all day yesterday and today.
I can't believe it's already 2 in the afternoon and I'm still sitting here in my pajamas chatting about CSI.

I can't believe my boss actually had to force me to use my vacation time.

I can't believe how unbelievably booored I am right now.
I can't believe how annoying my one roommate is being! We were supposed to go shopping together today, only now she's sitting on the couch watching TV! Agh!

I can't believe I won't be able to get CSI S6 'til Dec. 26th! Because the stupid shipping keeps being delayed!
I can't believe I forgot to get contact lens solution, again. That's 3 times now. :eek:

I can't believe how long it took me to wrap up Christmas presents. It took me all afternoon. :eek: I admit, the time would have been halved if I'd not been searching for the start of the sellotape countless times.
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