I Can't Believe It #6

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I can't believe I finally have a day where I really don't have anything that needs to be done! A completely free day to myself! :D
I can't believe that school starts again tomorrow...I don't want to come back :( I want holidays for at least one more week!
I can't believe how much fun I had doing nothing :lol:
I can't believe we got into an accident!
I can't believe how stupid some people can be :mad: (see above)
I can't believe how much snow there was!
I can't believe he dug out a parking space for us :lol:
I can't believe she booked a flight for 6am... on New Years Day! Who does that?
I can't believe that our heating system is finally broken beyond repair! Now we need a new one asap, as we have no heating and hot water until we get one! I can't believe how much they cost either...
That sucks Elsie. :(

I can't believe I went to bed last night still wearing my contact lenses. :lol: I woke up after about an hour and realized. :eek:
^ Argh, sorry to hear that Elsie :( I remember how chaotic my house was a couple of summers ago when we finally had central heating installed. I hope you manage to get it fixed soon, and I sympathise about the cost too.

I can't believe all the half-price offers they had at the supermarket this morning :eek: I ended up buying extra stuff because I couldn't resist the bargains they had there. :lol:
I cant believe I went to college today and no one was there apart from the staff! I felt like a right thickhead. Im so going to kill my friend! she said it was today...and she didnt even turn up! grr! :rolleyes:

and yeah, I can't believe that my county has won an award for being the most recycled county in the country. :D Yes, Im pleased about that! 42% of us recycle compared with the 14% of the country. Pretty..high. :lol:
I can't believe my roommate is making me get dressed! I want to stay in my pajamas, but apparently "I can't live in them" grr... :lol:

I can't believe my roommate slipped while she was yelling. It made me start laughing so hard, (that's so mean) but that's what you get for freaking out at me over the remote being gone when I didn't touch it, the floor, will slip you :p
I cant believe that my sister ran up to me and was like "im hungry! and im doing your hair! and then she grabbed me and...did my hair!!!! it looks very pretty.

I cant believe how much fun i had last night, i got to go out to eat with my family and see my cousin (who is veryvery pretty) that i havent seen in about 5 years.!
I can't believe how tired I am.

I can't believe how amazing Johnny Depp is in Tim Burton's 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' *swoon*
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