I Can't Believe It #6

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I can't believe Christmas made me look up from 'net how to resign from church :lol:
I can't believe it's Christmas, and I'm rather bored, and have been on the net most of the day!!!! *Thinks she needs to go to 'Net anonymous' or something :lol:
I can't believe Oh! Gravity is coming out tomorrow :D
also i can't believe....i'm going to Switchfoot next month!!!
I can't believe it's Christmas

I can't believe I have to wait still to open presents! My grandmas sleeping still! How could you sleep...it's Christmas!!
I can't believe I didn't get on here at all yesterday. I blame the truck diver.

I can't believe he was late again! *starts to pull out hair* I mean, really. Being a little late is fine... but ten freaking hours? Come on man! How does that even work? And you could at least let us know you're going to be late so that I don't have to drag my butt out of bed at 3am for NO REASON!!!! :mad: *cough* anyway... I'm good, really :)

I can't believe I got photoshop for Christmas :D
i can´t believe that the year 2006 in a few days is gone and we have 2007. The years are running so fast
Stokydream said:
i can´t believe that the year 2006 in a few days is gone and we have 2007. The years are running so fast
The same for me...It seems that time passes faster and faster each year...And I am not even sure if it is good or not :confused:
I can't believe I got CSI S6 for Christmas!! Canada wasn't even supposed to have it 'til tomorrow...but apparently Superstore accidently got a shipping and they sold it, so I got a copy for Christmas! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I can't believe what awesome presents I got!

I can't believe how excited I am for tonight...I gets more Christmas dinner!! :D

I can't believe how happy/hyper I am.
I can't believe that my mum gave me a 4 week trip to california for christmas.

I can't believe my friend got it too.
I can't believe how much the brackets on my teeth are hurting, at some points I can hardly eat or talk. I wish I wasn;t having to get braces.
Calihan said:
I can't believe how much the brackets on my teeth are hurting, at some points I can hardly eat or talk. I wish I wasn;t having to get braces.

you just got those?
It takes about a week before the pain goes away... just eat soup. Of course it's bit annoying now during the Xmas.

But believe me, those are worth it :D
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