I Can't Believe It #4

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I can't believe my friend had ridden a bike drunk on Tuesday and had fallen in downhill and broke her arm. She'd panicked, called her friend, who were working in a bar and her friend came to save her by taxi and took her to the hospital :lol:
She got home yesterday.

I know it's cruel to laugh but if you only knew this girl... man, how can she do all that stuff!
i cant believe they caught jonbenet ramseys killer! :eek: i had all but forgotten about that case. i guess even 10 years later there is still hope.
I can't believe I'm still in my PJ's and it's 4:10 PM

I can't believe my stupid nail keeps ripping, soon theres gonna be no nail left!

I can't believe how much my friends changed... :(

I can't believe she's back in 4 days!!! :D

I can't believe my cousin is gonna come and stay for a weekend soon :)
sandleissocute said:
i cant believe that black widow spiders are so creepy!
I can't believe how creepy all spiders are! :lol:

I can't believe I've got to re-book my car into the garage. That's the 3rd time! :eek: Okay, so it's not too bad it's under warranty and I don't have to pay, but it just so annoying. :mad:
I can't believe there's Snakes! On a Plane! (dork)
I really can't believe my Dog got loose. I can barely get his chain loose!
I can't believe my dog didn't want to go for a walk this morning.
I can't believe she wanted to sleep...
i can't believe how addicting these CSI shows have become to me and now I stay on this site all time too just to hear more CSI stuff. I can't believe I can't stop
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