I Can't Believe It #4

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I cant believe my bff is finally going back to school again im proud of her.

I cant believe im going back to the same job i said i was never going to go back to.
I can't believe there's two important things to do tomorrow, and both are exactly at the same time! Make you wish you could split yourself in two :lol:
I can't believe I didn't post here yesterday :eek:

I can't believe she's gone again :(

I can't believe I really must start on that thesis again, I have only today, tomorrow and saturday to work on it while they said I needed an entire week without any extra plans :rolleyes: pfff I never listen.

I can't believe my back hurts.. again.

I can't believe I watched 6 or 7 movies in two days.. ahum.
I can't believe my stomach ache led to a flu. I don't want to eat anything, atm.

I can't believe my first day at 'work' was fun. :)

I can't believe we got a new cat today!
i cant believe that me and my two best friends are finally going to hangout today!

i cant believe that my mommy ironed my skirt for me

i cant believe that im 18 and i still dont know how to iron clothes!
I can't believe I'm afraid to check my other e-mail :lol:

I can't believe it's still raining, YAY! :D
I can't believe my supervisors told me I need about an entire week without any plans, in order to rewrite my thesis.. and I've been working on it now for only half a day or so and I'm halfway there already :confused:

I can't believe I could not open the garbage container.. the card to open it just didn't work!! So I had to carry the garbage bag back home :mad:
I can't believe I was at the dentist earlier and I didn't even taken my mp3 player to listen to as he was doing the work and I was absolutely fine!! :D I didn't have to stop him once! :D
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