How to Annoy (insert character here)

Ask Sara when she comes back from being gone all week where she was

Tell Greg he should go back to being a lab rat

Beg Grissom to come back to CSI

(This could be Greg or Nick) Change the station to country music

have everybody speak really quietly so Grissom thinks his hearing problems have returned.

Cut a small piece off of one of Catherine's heels then ask why she's walking on a slant.

Take the lenses out of Horatio's sunglasses.

Tell Horatio that actually, Megan can have her job back.
Call up Grissom and rib him about his 'killer' CSI choice

Slip some psychedelic 'shrooms into DB's stash, then laugh as he's tripping out

Keep calling him Dead Body Russell

Follow him around singing the Cheers theme.

Keep calling him "Sam" and telling him how close the resemblance is

Four words: Bug Bomb. Grissom's Office.

Leave bottles of Rogaine on Ecklie's desk

Call Morgan "Daddy's Little Girl"

Tell her she's getting the next chopper ride again
Keep calling Mac at 333 :devil:

Sing a tune to Mac from the muscial 'Chicago' every time he's around.

Keep asking if you can 'tend the wrabbit's george' to Mac

:lol: :lol:
LOL thought this thread's dead too.

- Calling out Greg from his lab every five minutes and later tease him for keeping in shape.
- Putting a tiny box of bugs in DB's desk drawer with a note "don't eat now"
- Writing on Morgan's locker door "Daddy's biggest treasure"
- Playing "flying hat" tricks everytime Ryan walks into room.
- Putting fake eyeballs in Walter's locker so they pop out when he opens the door.
- Sneak away all towels when Ryan's in shower.
(lol I'm mean :evil:)
LOL I'd do that with the towels...and his clothes...when Nick's in the shower :evil:

Ask Sara about her sex life

Slip a dead animal into Sara's locker

Hide in Sara's office and pull the plug on her Skype mid-conversation

"accidentally" mix up the sandwiches so there's meat in Sara's but find a way that she won't realize it until she bites in.

Hide the real Blue Hawaiian and put together a fake package and make it look burned. Hold it up when Greg walks in and say "er....oops?"

Hide in a body drawer and jump out and say "boo!" to Doc

Hide a rat in a body drawer

Hide Doc's crutch
Put some porn mags in Greg's locker.

Make up a fake porn mag with Greg's pic on the cover (where he's seen in some nasty pose...fake of course)
Start a "who's going to be the next to get serious bodily harm" pool (I'd put some on Greg lol...he's already got the most hospitalizations in the LV lab I think.)

Tell DB or Horatio that Mac Taylor does it better.

Tell Horatio that he doesn't know how to wear sunglasses like the master, then show him Mac's picture.

Let a bug go in DB's office. Then find it and say something like " I guess Grissom didn't know he lost this...good thing we found it, it's highly poisonous. I sure hope there aren't anymore loose."

Address Ray as "Dr. Morpheus" Then ask if he wants the blue pills or the red pills.

and OK I got the bug bomb one twice. My bad.

Ask Danny about "That time he was undercover in Vegas as Thumpy G." Especially while Lindsay's in the room. Then sit back and watch her ask him a bunch of questions. Or alternately, get Mac to send him to LV on a case and see how many times he gets called Thumpy G. (OK so there was never any connection made between Revenge Is Best Served Cold and CSI's funny anyway.)

Tell Danny and Lindsay they can't ever work another case together again.
Tell Brass that you think Ellie over charges.

Ha ha, excellent! :guffaw:

Tell Catherine her new lip job looks better than her old one.

Spray Grissom with bug spray.

Give Sara some homemade vegetable lasagne. When she's finished eating it, tell her it was real meat.

Keep yelling "DB!!" and then when he appears, ask him some really minor question.

Ask Nick if he's watching bugs on animal planet instead of birds now.

Shave all Greg's hair off while he's sleeping (I couldn't do this though, I love his hair!).

Tell Langston nobody misses him.
Call up Ray and sing "How's G-L-O-R-I-A... Gloooorrriiaaa". (Yeah, I know its an old song, older than I am, but I heard it from my dad lol).

Tell Greg that the best coffee is anything other than Blue Hawaiian.

Hide Horatio's sunnies and replace them with 3-D glasses that look like sunnies.
My idea is based on the fact that David Caruso plays Horatio.

Securely handcuff and chain Horatio to a chair that is securely bolted and/or cemented to the floor and force him to watch the movie Session 9 repeatedly for 24 hours.