First of all thank you
Geni for opening this thread :thumbsup:
-How many seasons do you think it has left and why?
In all honesty, I think the show doesn't have many seasons left. If things go on like this, IMHO, the show will even struggle to reach s10 and might face an advanced ending. None of the characters, at this point is interesting to me. While I could wish seeing something more of Ryan, Natalia and Frank, I'm really scared of what I'm going to see thanks to TPTB. Any kind of development has just disappointed me except for Natalia during s6, Ryan and Billie along with his new friendship with Jesse & Walter. Anything else is just a huge disappointment.
Also the storylines are not that interesting as they once used to be. TPTB also know how to write more and more ridiculous stuff...that's for sure
-Do you feel CSI:Miami has gotten tired or rejuvenated itself?
While it could have rejuvenated itself with the entrance of Jess & Walter, it has gotten tired because of everything and everyone else. In the last 4 years, they've been recycling storylines for everyone:
- Calleigh & Eric struggling for their "feelings"
- Natalia having a big physical problem and hiding it from anyone else when possible
- Calleigh & Eric facing near death experiences
- Ryan always supected of anything possible and then cleared of the main accusation thank God who sometimes looks at him
While you can cope with this kind of stuff for a couple of years, you can't possibly do such a thing for more than four years until you die :shifty:
-If you feel that it's tired/doesn't have much steam left, do you think the writing is to blame? The acting? Society's ever-changing interests or other?
In all honesty, I think it's just a combination of all these.
The writing has always been problematic and even when they changed some authors they haven't been able to solve all the problems. They've just been able to solve the team aspect....and not even completely.
The acting, IMHO, was great till last year then it all seems as most of them actually got tired of working there. I won't mention the names, but, in all honesty, I think it's pretty clear that some of them lost their acting skills in these last 2 years. Again, some of them remained quite good, but can't shine in a show like this.
As for the society, I think they've made some bad choices in terms of ratings, they thought some choices could do some good to the ratings and currently stick with them even if they perfectly know that the audience is just getting tired of this. Figures can only prove this.
-When the show ends someday - because it probably will
-, do you think TPTB will decide to end it and tie everything up (or not tie much up, lol) or do you think the network will give it the axe?
TPTB have never been able to tie any storyline in a proper way. Discontinuity is the keyword of the show and I certianly won't expect any improvement in these terms. Again, they might be able to surprise me....I do wish such a thing.
-How long do you feel is an appropriate amount of time for a show like CSI:Miami to run?
I don't think there's a certain time-limit for a show. IMHO, it all depends on how the show is handled and the viewers. Though, a show like CSI:Miami has more disadvantages than others.
First of all it's only one of three shows that come from a franchise. The CSI one and if I had to be honest, I would say that a franchise isn't the strongest thing of the world. If one of its shows isn't as good as expected, I as a viewer would expect the others to fail as well or, at least, to have a plung in the ratings. I know that it's not what it usally happens, but I would expect such a thing from a franchise.
Last but not least, I think a very valid reason why a show like can't go on for a much longer time is the fact that the main theme of this show is forensic science. It may cross its path with other topics, but in any single episode the show deals with science or criminology......nothing else, at least in theory.
Other crime dramas like Criminal Minds or NCIS or even Castle certainly deal with crimes and a little bit of forensic science. But they also develop other aspects/topics such as psychology, family, love, medical stuff and so on and so forth.....they can deal with any kind of topic. Even better for shows like Desperate Housewives (or medical drams that, in my opinion, are the luckiest ones from this POV) whose future only depends on viewers and TPTB
10 years is a lot for a show like CSI, but then again, a good show should end
- before fans get actually tired of it
- once TPTB have run out of original and good ideas.
CSI:Miami, in all honesty, has passed this point long time ago