How many members of this site...

what would have been really strange was if we had the same lab section. then we would have been in the same room with only 20 other people and not known it. freaky... :lol:
I've met Smokey. We went on an overnight haunted house ghost hunt with a full-time ghost hunter from Chicago.

Otherwise, most everyone in The Ward, we Yahoo IM together.
I haven't met anyone. And I don't really plan to. :) lol not to be mean, but hey, you can't trust everyone on the internet. The only way I wouldn't mind meeting someone from here is if I randomly talked to someone about CSI and the subject of this message board came up.

That would be kinda cool. I'd be like, oh em gee! el oh el! I can't believe it!
I'd like to meet the ones that i talk to most, and a few i do msn quiet a lot! There is even one or two that I'd quiet happily be friends with offline/away from cell phones/etc.
None. I've got other friends from online that I've met in person and I love them all to bits. I've got friends on other forums that I've got plans to meet, but I can't say I have any intentions of meeting any on this site.
Nope, don't know anyone in RL. Most of the communities/boards I'm on for fandoms...I've never met. Only a minority for racing.
I haven't met anyone from here but I have actually met with some people from a Dutch forum and with some of them I still keep in touch with and occasionally we meet again which is always lots of fun :) And when we meet we do nice things, such as visit a town in Holland, do some shopping, see a film, museums, go out for a meal...always lots of fun :)

You hear some weird stories once in a while from people meeting up and yes, there are lots of crazy people out there but there are also lots of nice people out there and the funny thing is, the world is small, turned out that two of the people I've met through that Dutch forum know some real life friends of mine, people I work's a funny world :D
I haven't spent enough time here to get to know any of you online or offline; however, on the Trekbbs message board I have met 9 members in person, talked to two more on the phone more than once, and talk regularly on IM to some.
I haven't spent enough time here to get to know any of you online or offline; however, on the Trekbbs message board I have met 9 members in person, talked to two more on the phone more than once, and talk regularly on IM to some.
That sounds like me mimic. I've yet to meet anyone here but at TrekBBS I've met 6 people and I'm married to a lounge mod. She bugged me for 4 years to join, then one day I did and I spammed my way up the ranks. :devil::angel:
I've not met anyone on here or really know any exact people if that makes sense don't really know anyone as i spent a lot of time here but am rather shy.
I only really know one CSI fan offline and we email pretty much every day but she's only real one, not really met any NY fans offline in that sense tho its unlikely we'l meet as she lives in US and me UK.

However 3 of my closest friends i met online and we meet up once a year after meeting on a Steps (UK pop group) message board and hittin it off we always do a xmas meet up and have a weekend away. 1 at least is one of my best friends.
I have met quite a few mainly from pop group bored i have been on and arranged large meet ups well least 10 of us, its really nice quite a lot i do still speak to.