How many CSI's would it take to change a light bulb?

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this is soooo funny. i am laughing so hard i think i just fiorgot the answers to my algebra test. ugh. and i got a d+ so i gotta fix it
horatio: what light bulb?

No, Horatio only shows up if the light bulb is exploding and could cause the lab to crash down around him in a seriously dramatic style.
grissom to bring everybody together and tell them that the light bulb has burnt out and give the assignment to sara and cath, nick and warrick to delay the investigation by complaining about how they dont get the cool assignment and then immediately take their assignment and make a bet on who would solve it first, finally sara and cath get to it and brass is there with it taped off and questioning witnesses, sara to feel bad for the light bulb and cath to snap sara out of it and get them both started, they collect fingerprints and epithials(spelled that wrong), fingerprints to jackie(wish she were still here, is she?), DNA to greg, then greg slows it down by telling a really funny joke that sara cant help but smile at, then sara and cath bring their evidence to grissom who pulls it all together and discovers that the light bulb burnt out by itself and no one is to blame, then cath finally gets around to changing it, and sara takes the old light bulb and digs a whole in the ground in the desert and buries it then says some weird qoute, oh ya and we cant foget about doc robbins who tells cath that the cause of the burn out was a broked filament(or whatever those little things are in there that break and rattle when a light bulb burns out)

Well i hope you guys had fun reading my book "burnt out".

that was extremly long and i probably did it wrong, but it sure was a lot of fun to write lol.
sorry that was really LV, and this is not LV thread, so once again sorry, but i hope it was fun to read, please dont kill me :D
CSI Grissom, this thread is for all bulb jokes for any of the three series, so you are fine. Also, instead of a seperate post for an added comment, next time you can hit the Edit button and add it to your previous post.

Just one thought about your burned out bulb scenario...
You forgot the part where Grissom analyzes a dead bug attached to the outside of the bulb.
well lets see,
-grissom to find out that the light bulb burned out
-catherine to lookat it with ALS
-lab tech to process the blood that she found (someone burned their hand)
-sara to determine that the blood of ecklies that was on the lightbulb came from him when he burned his hand on it
-nick to wonder if ecklie really has blood instead of posion running through his veins
-warrick to ponder that thought
-a murderer to pay some guy to shoot ecklie because he dislikes him (for once im on the murderers side)
-a hitman to shoot him
-archie to look for the hit man on a video camera he put up to catch hidden lab romance or embarrassing moments
-bobby to process the bullit
-doctor to help ecklie get better
-officer to arrest the man
-grissom again to finally change the lightbulb because archie couldnt find anything on the tape
-ecklie to comeback and swear at everyone for not finding the hit man (the officer arrested the murderer)
this (mine) is stupid forget it
one csi to figure out the lightbulbs burnt out
1 to take it out
1 to give it to doc robbins
1 to give it an autopsy
1 to give it bact to the csi that gave it to doc robbins
the whole main crew (7) to take it apart
1 to fingerprint it
2 to give it to the forensic lab for dna testing
1 to gather all the evidence
1 to throw away all of the pieces
1 to drve to the store to get a new lightbulb
1 to take the lightbulb apart
1 to send it to the bomb squad
1 to smash it to pieces thinking its a bomb
1 to buy a new light bulb
1 to process the bulb for viruses and dna
1 to give it back to grissom
1 to put it into the socket
1 to discover the light bulb burnt out AGAIN
this came from a friend that couldnt get on the coomputer hope you like
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