Wow! These are all really funny. Uh, let's see...
-A police officer, to recieve the call about said burned out bulb, and then tell a detective
-A detective, to tell the CSIs
-"All hands on deck" to fingerprint it, test it for every organic and inorganic substance known to man, test it for ballistics, give the poor thing an autopsy, dissect it, run it through any lightbulb databases, and generally overanalyze the thing to death
-One very down-to-earth lab tech (or CSI) to remind everyone else that this a light bulb, not a key piece of evidence in a huge case
-One head CSI to assign someone to change the light bulb
-Several CSIs to argue about who actually gets to do the honors
-One to decide to just tell the owner of the room where the lightbulb was found
-The owner of the room where the lightbulb was found to actually change the darn thing
Well, that's my very long, drawn-out, and vaguely pointless take on it