How do you feel about Lindsay?

Yeah, Aiden's not always the reason for the animosity towards Lindsay. Some people might think like that, but I don't see any of those people here to tell you the truth. Aiden is way, WAY different than Lindsay so there's really no basis for comparison. Maybe if the new girl acted like Aiden, then people disliking Lindsay because of Aiden would be understandable.
spader said:
I think that come next year, we'll see Anna fall into her character nicely.
I'm finding that some people here are...ohhh...this is the b**** that replaced Aiden. I'd probably feel the same way if somebody replaced a favorite character of mine.
I think she's a wonderul actress, although the only time I've ever seen her was in WAT when she played that shooter.
She was extremely believable to me as a determined individual, excersising her beliefs to free whoever...blah...I forgot the storyline....but anyways

My 2 cents.
It seems to me people who like Lindsay should spend a lot more time figuring out and stating why they do rather than trying to assign false reasons about why others don't. If people took the time to read this thread and some of the other threads I think they could piece together a clear reason behind what others find to be an intolerable character coupled with painful acting. Because, at this point the repeated attempts to say that loving Aiden is why we dislike Lindsay is similar to saying you all must like Lindsay because she has thin lips and the body of a little boy, neither argument is particularly valid or intelligent.

keich said:
Yeah, Aiden's not always the reason for the animosity towards Lindsay. Some people might think like that, but I don't see any of those people here to tell you the truth. Aiden is way, WAY different than Lindsay so there's really no basis for comparison. Maybe if the new girl acted like Aiden, then people disliking Lindsay because of Aiden would be understandable.

Lindsay and Aiden are nothing alike, that is definitely true. And honestly, I loved Speed over on Miami much, much more than I ever loved Aiden (who was fine, and I was sorry to see go, but didn't think about it much beyond that), and I never resented Ryan for replacing him (I pretty much liked Ryan right away, actually). That doesn't make much sense at all in my book.

Trust me, my dislike of Lindsay and Anna's performance have everything to with them, and not with Aiden or Vanessa. I think that's true of most people expressing concerns with her.
After a whole year of being on the show? That's a little too long in the world of television.

I understand, but I feel what there's something that the writers are waiting to drop the anvil on us. Patience is a virtue

Have you even read this thread? I'm starting to laugh every time I see this argument. Aiden was on the show for a year, and has been gone for almost as long. Most of us are long over it; those that aren't are straighforward about it.

Yes I have ALL OF IT, I must apologize to the ones I"ve the wee hours of the morning...Studying and posting..I must have had two windows open at once, and read another thread to post on this one. THAT's where I got that feeling of what I said about Aiden.

I'm pretty sure that's not what I meant, and my words may have been a little too harsh.

So you think she's great...even though you've only seen her in one guest appearance in a show? Okay.

I understand that Anna needs work, but I really think she'd be better suited to another show. Actors are rarely employed out of sympathy.

I could care less about actors needing work, spending 7+ years in the film business myself..I KNOW it's every person for themselves

About Anna, Even though the only time I've payed attention to her was in WAT, I probably have seen her in MI, Handler and not REALIZED IT. To me, she is like a wolf in a sheep's skin

It doesn't take me much to see an actor's range, and it only happens when the writers/directors give them the chance to.
I saw it during those two episodes of WAT, and I for sure would like to see more.

Even though it's been sparse so far, I believe TPTB will give each and every one of the cast something in an episode "To RUN with it". Hopefully sometime soon. I mean...the show's still young, it has to find it's feet. I know this is CSI and it HAS the feet it needs, but it needs time to nurture. ......*hands up*....... I don't know...what you'll think of this post, but these are my FULLY awake thoughts
spader said:
It doesn't take me much to see an actor's range, and it only happens when the writers/directors give them the chance to.
I saw it during those two episodes of WAT, and I for sure would like to see more.

I've seen her in every television show she has done and I believe her range is limited at best, Anna's had ample opportunity to show a range of emotion and has failed miserably. So, whatever it is that you saw in the two-part WOT, I've missed there, on MI, parts of the Handler, and 20 episodes of NY.

Even though it's been sparse so far, I believe TPTB will give each and every one of the cast something in an episode "To RUN with it". Hopefully sometime soon. I mean...the show's still young, it has to find it's feet. I know this is CSI and it HAS the feet it needs, but it needs time to nurture. ......*hands up*....... I don't know...what you'll think of this post, but these are my FULLY awake thoughts

Given the show's relative youth the rest of the cast has had no trouble shining, some with limited parts, such as Eddie Cahill, Hill Harper, and Robert Joy, talent goes a long way when it comes to convincing the audience you belong and should stay. Let us also consider that the writers have been more than willing to shove Anna down the viewers’ throats at inappropriate times, such as her cringe worthy out burst over Stella’s assault.

Hi everyone!
I like Lindsay Monroe.
A couple of points I want to quickly address and I hope I don't offend anyone - I don't mean to.

1) A lot of people passionately dislike Anna/Linday. It's one thing saying remove Anna/Lindsay right away she's ruining CSI:NY so and so forth... who would you have replace her? Bearing in mind CSI:NY TPTB would want to keep the gender balance mostly the same.

2) What kind of character would you replace her with? Replaced her with a smart, sassy, sultry, city chick - you'll get comparisons with Aiden. Introduce a character from out of state, younger woman without the added attitude of a big city and you'll get comparisions with Lindsay.

3) A bit off track but bear with me. Violence against Stella and Aiden in the show is a no-no. Abosolutely no way whatsever. But posters in the anti-Lindsay threads discuss the "demise" of Lindsay... particularly the dead in a dumpster - just a bit in bad taste guys. I Did like the hedgehogs concept - I think its the other anti-Lindsay thread - but it's got good mental imagery going!

4) OK, my line of work I know nothing about auditioning for TV shows... but I'd imagine Anna would have had to have gone through different auditions, script reading, screen tests and the CSI:NY casting people must have been satisfied with what they saw. Also, the competition must have been intense for the role. Someone suggested Hill Harper put in a good word - Surely the casting people are strong enough not to be coerced into hiring other actresses because she's someones friend.

5) Light, airy funny? I'm in the UK and only seen up to Fare Game - but does Danny's brother not get put in a coma, Stella shoot and kill her nutcase boyfriend and Aiden meet a horrible end? Sounds about as far from airy, funny, slap-stick comedy as you can get... - sounds way more creepier then even season 1.

Just a few points I wanted to address - so hope no-one got upset.
Thanks for reading - sorry it was so long - I do tend to ramble a bit...
It just amazes me that the show would keep a character that is mediocre at best. Why not replace her? Other shows have done it. And as a writer, I know firsthand that if a character is not working out, you either make them better or get rid of them. Whether it's the writers or her, is yet to be seen(well really it's a little bit of both, I think, due to depth of character, that they write and she portrays).

I, too, saw her on both WAT and MI, and liked her to a point. She obviously has some talent, otherwise she wouldn't get these shows. But there are so many actors out there with so much talent and scope, why doesn't the show find one of them?

I know I'm kind of contradicting myself, because there are parts to Anna/Lindsay that I like, and others that I don't. And I mostly liked how she portrayed her characters on the above mentioned other shows, just didn't love them. Which is how I feel about her in NY. She just doesn't give us a warm and fuzzy, or much of any, feeling.
LegallyBlonde said:
1) A lot of people passionately dislike Anna/Linday. It's one thing saying remove Anna/Lindsay right away she's ruining CSI:NY so and so forth... who would you have replace her? Bearing in mind CSI:NY TPTB would want to keep the gender balance mostly the same.

I honestly don't have anyone in mind, and I doubt they would, or that they did when they picked Anna. I'd be fine with them picking another woman--just make sure it's someone who is a good fit for the show.

2) What kind of character would you replace her with? Replaced her with a smart, sassy, sultry, city chick - you'll get comparisons with Aiden. Introduce a character from out of state, younger woman without the added attitude of a big city and you'll get comparisions with Lindsay.

Again, I'd like to see them create a character rather than cobble together a bunch of stereotypes and give her a crush on the hottest guy on the show. As for types? Any type--brainy, sophisticated, adventurous, happy-go-lucky, troubled...I could go on but I'm game for anything so long as the character feels real to me. They did a good job with all of the other female leads on the CSI shows.

3) A bit off track but bear with me. Violence against Stella and Aiden in the show is a no-no. Abosolutely no way whatsever. But posters in the anti-Lindsay threads discuss the "demise" of Lindsay... particularly the dead in a dumpster - just a bit in bad taste guys. I Did like the hedgehogs concept - I think its the other anti-Lindsay thread - but it's got good mental imagery going!

Mostly that's a joke, but as you see in the show, violence against Stella and Aiden pointedly isn't a no-no. Hoping for a character's demise is extreme but not in bad taste. Wishing ill on the actress would be in bad taste, but no one here is saying anything of the kind.

4) OK, my line of work I know nothing about auditioning for TV shows... but I'd imagine Anna would have had to have gone through different auditions, script reading, screen tests and the CSI:NY casting people must have been satisfied with what they saw. Also, the competition must have been intense for the role. Someone suggested Hill Harper put in a good word - Surely the casting people are strong enough not to be coerced into hiring other actresses because she's someones friend.

She admitted her audition was bad and that he put in a good word for her. That's all we know. *shrug* It's not the best sign.

5) Light, airy funny? I'm in the UK and only seen up to Fare Game - but does Danny's brother not get put in a coma, Stella shoot and kill her nutcase boyfriend and Aiden meet a horrible end? Sounds about as far from airy, funny, slap-stick comedy as you can get... - sounds way more creepier then even season 1.

The season is lighter in look and up until the episodes you mention, has been lighter in tone. The cases have had less emotional impact. RSRD hit it just right, but now the pendulum has swung too far to the other side and is trying to cram a season's worth of angst into 5 episodes.

Just a few points I wanted to address - so hope no-one got upset.
Thanks for reading - sorry it was so long - I do tend to ramble a bit...

Not at all! I'm glad you posted! :) It makes for better discussion when both sides can come in and debate the points.

Willobee said:
It just amazes me that the show would keep a character that is mediocre at best. Why not replace her? Other shows have done it. And as a writer, I know firsthand that if a character is not working out, you either make them better or get rid of them. Whether it's the writers or her, is yet to be seen(well really it's a little bit of both, I think, due to depth of character, that they write and she portrays).

Agreed, completely. I know some think it would be too soon on the heels of Aiden's departure, but really, it's better to cut dead weight than to let it continue to adversely affect the show.

I know I'm kind of contradicting myself, because there are parts to Anna/Lindsay that I like, and others that I don't. And I mostly liked how she portrayed her characters on the above mentioned other shows, just didn't love them. Which is how I feel about her in NY. She just doesn't give us a warm and fuzzy, or much of any, feeling.

I think she's simply a bad fit for this show. I only saw her in one MI episode so I can't really speak to her acting ability overall, but I haven't been impressed with her on NY. I don't see why she and the show can't amicably part ways--she could find a character and show that's a better fit, and the show could find an actress and a character that's a better fit.
LegallyBlonde said:
Hi everyone!
I like Lindsay Monroe.
A couple of points I want to quickly address and I hope I don't offend anyone - I don't mean to.

1) A lot of people passionately dislike Anna/Linday. It's one thing saying remove Anna/Lindsay right away she's ruining CSI:NY so and so forth... who would you have replace her? Bearing in mind CSI:NY TPTB would want to keep the gender balance mostly the same.

2) What kind of character would you replace her with? Replaced her with a smart, sassy, sultry, city chick - you'll get comparisons with Aiden. Introduce a character from out of state, younger woman without the added attitude of a big city and you'll get comparisions with Lindsay.

3) A bit off track but bear with me. Violence against Stella and Aiden in the show is a no-no. Abosolutely no way whatsever. But posters in the anti-Lindsay threads discuss the "demise" of Lindsay... particularly the dead in a dumpster - just a bit in bad taste guys. I Did like the hedgehogs concept - I think its the other anti-Lindsay thread - but it's got good mental imagery going!

4) OK, my line of work I know nothing about auditioning for TV shows... but I'd imagine Anna would have had to have gone through different auditions, script reading, screen tests and the CSI:NY casting people must have been satisfied with what they saw. Also, the competition must have been intense for the role. Someone suggested Hill Harper put in a good word - Surely the casting people are strong enough not to be coerced into hiring other actresses because she's someones friend.

5) Light, airy funny? I'm in the UK and only seen up to Fare Game - but does Danny's brother not get put in a coma, Stella shoot and kill her nutcase boyfriend and Aiden meet a horrible end? Sounds about as far from airy, funny, slap-stick comedy as you can get... - sounds way more creepier then even season 1.

Just a few points I wanted to address - so hope no-one got upset.
Thanks for reading - sorry it was so long - I do tend to ramble a bit...

1) I wouldn't want anyone to replace her. They already had a new CSI shortly after Aiden left - Hawkes. There was no spot to fill, in my head. The fact they now have two new CSI, and one is not getting the air time bothers me immensely. Hawkes was an already established character, and they could have left a larger gap between Aiden leaving and Lindsey being introduced, if they really decided they needed another CSI.

2) See above...

3) The hedgehog concept was mine, I'm afraid. It wasn't a method to kill Lindsey though - or anything along those lines. I was making the point that Top has already mentioned - they have funny and light up until the last five episodes, when it suddenly became a sweeps angst extravaganza. You tend to get the utterly crass storylines towards the end of the series, and I was merely suggesting rabid hedgehogs was something they'd not really tried and might work for the next character they need to kill off several times for ratings. See Aiden for reference. >_<

4) We don't know. I always assumed that acting was as much about who you knew as who you didn't know. My brother is an actor, so I guess I could go and pick his brains. He's been in a couple of films, and didn't audition for at least one of them. He just got pally with the guy making it.

5) Top made this point better than me - basically, they've had no real balance this season and still can't decide what CSI:NY's identity should be. They're trying to get ratings, but it's coming off as crass a lot of the time. :(
Hi again!
I liked the hedegehogs... I appreciated it for what it was -good fun. Just my point number 3 came out a little wrong.
I should proof read before posting... sorry! What I meant to say was that the idea of violence against the female members of the cast wasn't popular on the board and viewed as a cheap plot trick. Until the idea of Lindsy dead in a dumpster was floated albeit jokingly that seemed to be accepted for want of a better word. It was just something I noticed... but it came out wrong in my original post.

Anyhow, thought I'd try and clear up the confusion on number 3.

I guess I'm sorta down the middle, she's not my fave but I don't hate her either. Although I am partly reserving judgement until I see more of Aiden.
Nope, don't like her. She needs to pick a personality and quit playing "Sybil" with us. Anna can't act and Lindsay and Danny flirting or whatever you wanna call it, just falls WAY short. It's painful to watch. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, but I've never seen a character NOT fit in the way she has.

The only time I find her tolerable (and that's a stretch) is when she's working with Mac.

I feel she has taken away from someone else who should have had the spotlight for Season 2 and that is Hawkes. He moved up to CSI and he was pushed aside and for what? Someone who doesn't fit in. I really wish she would go back to Montana. Hill Harper is extremely talented and knows how to act. He has great chemistry with the entire cast and he deserves more screentime than Anna.
Well, most of you know I like Anna/Lindsay. I've always thought it was good they brought a completely different character in. That said, I think the writers have erred a bit. Part of the reason the character is all over the place is because the writers script it that way.

As for the whole "country girl" thing, it hasn't bothered me. For instance, I live in a fairly rural area and we have big "gray microphone" water towers (I think Faylinn coined that term?), but no personal water towers, so I understood Lindsay's confusion. The whole block party thing? If I had walked into that scene, I would have probably been unsure what it was - a festival? Carnival? Who knows?

Anyway, I do agree that the writers tried to put her too much out in front at the expense of other characters, and they need to mix up the pairings more (they seem to think they can only do boy-girl. Silly!).

I guess I like Anna and find her awkwardness appropriate for her character, as well as some of her need to succeed. She is a female in a male-dominated field from a rural area trying to make her mark in NY. I look forward to more character development.

Peace, everyone!