How do you feel about Lindsay?

They'd never get away with the necrophilia thing :lol: , but they really could do something where Lindsay gradually unraveled. She's so tightly wound anyway, it's not out of the realm of possibility for that to happen.
They were bringing this up in the Lindsay Love Thread:

What will TPTB do with her in reguards to Aiden's death? She didn't know Aiden so she won't(or shouldn't) be the emotional train wreck that everybody else will be. I say shouldn't because we did have her freak out over Stella's attack in All Access, even though there wasn't any real bond established between the two to warrent such a reaction.

I'd like to see her remain level headed and in control. The rest of the team is going to need that to keep them on track.

There's a B plot, maybe Lindsay will be busy with that. Though it'd probably be better to have her on the Aiden case, for the simple reason that having not known Aiden it would provide Lindsay with an unbiased view of things.
I think it rather depends on where they put Danny. Aiden was Danny's friend - to not have that acknowledged is extremely lame. Yet that's going to conflict with them needing to put Danny and Lindsey together all of the time.
Carrieattheprom said:

I'd like to see her remain level headed and in control. The rest of the team is going to need that to keep them on track.

Yeah, most of them would probably be blind with rage (especially Mac and Danny). Sure, they're professionals and they're supposed to stay level-headed no matter how personal the cases get, but Aiden was their friend.

I seriously doubt I can control myself if something like that happened to me.

I'm looking forward to this week's episode. I hope she doesn't disappoint.
Lyn said:
Just want my old CSI:NY back.

... or something at least resembling it? I loved the darker overtones of season one. The "cute and light" feel of this season has left me wondering what NY's identity is now. I would have preferred it if Lindsey had been a much darker character, and the series had remained gritty.

Please remember CBS gave the show a mandate to lighten up.

I love Lindsay. I think she brings a completely different dynamic to the show. If you want to see more reasons, you can see some of my posts in the Lindsay threads.
I also hope that Lindsay we'll stay level headed in this weeks ep. I think that first the team will need it. As well, it just wouldn't make sense for her to get extraordinarily emotional, beyond being there for the rest of the team, because she never knew Aiden, wasn't a friend to Aiden, and simply wouldn't be affected in the same way.
I actually like the lighter CSI than the darker (I don't mind the darker first season though), but when I said it was interesting to see a darker Lindsay, I wasn't saying she should be dark and stay dark. A glimpse of a dark side would be enough (one or two episodes ought to do it). I like Lindsay for what she is, but I'd like to see her take on something completely different from time to time. :)

That's my take. I can't speak for the others. :)

Hmmm...I don't think I've ever used the word "dark" so much in one paragraph. :p
pizzapie said:
Lyn said:
Just want my old CSI:NY back.

... or something at least resembling it? I loved the darker overtones of season one. The "cute and light" feel of this season has left me wondering what NY's identity is now. I would have preferred it if Lindsey had been a much darker character, and the series had remained gritty.

Please remember CBS gave the show a mandate to lighten up.

I don't think anyone has forgotten Les Moonves' mandate about a lighter NY, but I think Lyn's point is that she wants what a lot of us want, the NY from first season. We all acknowledge the change, we just don't all like them. Not to mention that change was ushered in with Recycling and existed during the first season as well, but now NY has morphed into a different show. The lightness didn't begin with season two and that is important to note, the biggest change to season two was Lindsay, so it makes sense that many of the issues can be placed squarely on her shoulders.

I love Lindsay. I think she brings a completely different dynamic to the show. If you want to see more reasons, you can see some of my posts in the Lindsay threads.
I also hope that Lindsay we'll stay level headed in this weeks ep. I think that first the team will need it. As well, it just wouldn't make sense for her to get extraordinarily emotional, beyond being there for the rest of the team, because she never knew Aiden, wasn't a friend to Aiden, and simply wouldn't be affected in the same way.

I don't think Lindsay has added anything to the show, in fact, I think she has taken away some critical elements and forced a change in existing characterizations, something that has been talked about in the Why Lindsay Must Go thread for those interested.

Lindsay working on Aiden's case is one thing, but any over wrought displays of emotion would be horribly out of place and misguided on the part of the writers. She is already a character struggling with likeability the last thing they should do is damage her any further in the eyes of those that don't like her, by having another moment like "All Access."

I think the dynamic she brings is a disruptive one. Her introduction and subsequent portrayals have brought nothing to the show save a feeling of discord, one that mirrors the feelings of the viewers as there appears to be a definite schism.

Lindsey is not supposed to be the tough CSI that everyone expects. She was brought in the with the expectation to help with the lighter tone CBS wanted for it's New York show.

I read that CSI dwells on the science of forensics. CSI: Miami works with the escapism of the viewer and CSI: New York shows more of the personal/relationships of its characters.

With Lindsey being from Montana, she has not seen or experienced the depths of the mindless murders that are happening in New York. She wanted something new. She is going to get it and she is going to have to grow into her role. Lindsey/Anna needs time and she will get there.
Personally I don't like her. I don't know why I try to watch her but I just can't stand her. Maybe because I'm so much of an Aiden fan ( even though she is gone :(
Dantana said:
Lindsey is not supposed to be the tough CSI that everyone expects. She was brought in the with the expectation to help with the lighter tone CBS wanted for it's New York show.

If she's not supposed to be tough, why is she bodyslamming people into cars? And showing off scars that only stupid people allow to get that bad on their hands from braiding rope? I've run herd on cattle and I've braided rope. Only morons cripple their hands like that.

Dantana said:

With Lindsey being from Montana, she has not seen or experienced the depths of the mindless murders that are happening in New York. She wanted something new. She is going to get it and she is going to have to grow into her role. Lindsey/Anna needs time and she will get there.

Darlin', where are you from? NY does not have a monopoly on 'mindless murders'. I'm from the West and live in a small town, which granted, will not have the sheer number of murders, but we still do get murders and some are pretty mindless. And, please correct me if I'm wrong, but you're saying that she wanted something new and implying it was more 'mindless murders'. That's a new, shallow depth to her character. As for growing into her role...she's already driving viewers away and she's had an entire season. Enough is enough.
Jaer said:
If she's not supposed to be tough, why is she bodyslamming people into cars? And showing off scars that only stupid people allow to get that bad on their hands from braiding rope? I've run herd on cattle and I've braided rope. Only morons cripple their hands like that.

Exactly. I wish the writers would make up their minds. Is she the girl from Montana who is tougher than she seems or is she a wishy-washy whiny type who can't handle the job? The problem here is the casting--Anna can't play tough, and who wants a whiny character on a CSI show?

Darlin', where are you from? NY does not have a monopoly on 'mindless murders'. I'm from the West and live in a small town, which granted, will not have the sheer number of murders, but we still do get murders and some are pretty mindless. And, please correct me if I'm wrong, but you're saying that she wanted something new and implying it was more 'mindless murders'. That's a new, shallow depth to her character. As for growing into her role...she's already driving viewers away and she's had an entire season. Enough is enough.


Exactly--by the halfway through the first season of CSI: NY, the other characters were already established and clearly past any growing pains they experienced in the first few episodes with their roles.

Anna has had 20 episodes--almost an entire season--and she's still trying to find her footing with the character. When is enough enough, given that rather than improving, she's actually getting worse?
All of you seem to forget that Aiden got a little too emotionally involved and whiny about that case involving that rapist. So much so she tampered with evidence and Mac had to let her go. I think Anna's acting is as good as anyone else's on CSI: NY. Personally, I like her and I like her character better than I ever did the character Aiden. I liked her from the first episode she was in. Of course, having an open mind and CSI: Miami's 4th season be a TOTALLY TANKING(2 thumbs WAY down) didn't hurt.
I'm gonna give all of you some advice:
For the love of God, will the mindset that my dislike of Lindsay has ANYTHING to do with Aiden just die? Vanessa Ferlito chose to leave, kiss her goodbye and this week we can throw her a barbque (bad pun intended).

Anna Belknap cannot act...this has nothing to do with Vanessa Ferlito. She is so bad that it tests the skills of the other cast members to cover for her.

You like her better than Aiden, congratulations. More power to you. Could not care less, the two are completely separate in my mind.

The girl had a chance. She's had an entire season, bar two eps. She sucks. Get somebody new or give the others more screentime.
I have to disagree with what you said, Top.
Exactly--by the halfway through the first season of CSI: NY, the other characters were already established and clearly past any growing pains they experienced in the first few episodes with their roles.

From a real[[/il critic, he said this about the characters, and mainly, Vanessa: but Sinise's sidekick here is as close to a female leader as the series has come to date. Stella Bonasera (Providence's Melina Kanakaredes) is a smart, powerful woman who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and has a subtle, exotic look that makes it difficult to turn away when she's onscreen. The rest of the cast is excellent as well, with special mention going to Hill Harper as the coroner, Dr. Sheldon Hawkes, and Carmine Giovinazzo as Danny Messer. Eddie Cahill is also solid as Detective Don Flack Jr., but the only person I just couldn't wrap my arms around was Vanessa Ferlito's character, Aiden Burn. Ferlito is gorgeous and does all that she can with the role, but it's underwritten and needs to be developed a bit more in future seasons.

And I don't understand, after every episode, you complain. Just stop watching. She is now a main character, and she shouldn't be given less air time becasue some fans think she is a bad actress.
Jaer said:
For the love of God, will the mindset that my dislike of Lindsay has ANYTHING to do with Aiden just die? Vanessa Ferlito chose to leave, kiss her goodbye and this week we can throw her a barbque (bad pun intended).

Anna Belknap cannot act...this has nothing to do with Vanessa Ferlito. She is so bad that it tests the skills of the other cast members to cover for her.

You like her better than Aiden, congratulations. More power to you. Could not care less, the two are completely separate in my mind.

Thank you Jaer! I agree, it really, REALLY gets on my nerves that people think that's why I don't like Lindsay. It drives me crazy! Like you said, Aiden and Lindsay are two completely different people, and my liking Aiden has nothing to do with disliking Lindsay. She really can't act. I'm not "being bitter because Aiden left." Anna couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag, okay?

I know not all Lindsay fans feel that way, but the ones who do need to knock it off. You like Lindsay, fine you are entitled to your opinion. But please respect my opinion about not liking Lindsay.

Sorry about the rant, but I'm really in a bad mood.