A gross, sickening, disgusting, vile, repulsive, demented, twisted and disturbing episode. The All American happy family:evil: How'd ya' like to live in that house:klingon: Nick was hilarious in this, and he seemed to be the most grossed out of them all. His lines cracked me up. Talk about the seedy side of life EWWWW:angryrazz:
My summary and comments of this one. And on the name it could have been "House Of Horrors", so good play off on the name

Also I wonder where the special effects people got all this crap/junk?
The cops can't even break down the crammed door. Nick and Sara arrive. [great to see them working together again].
The clutter city, and foul smell was so overwhelming, I almost gagged. Nick: "How could someone live like this"? A bump, and he goes "I think I just saw a rat wearing a saddle":lol: then he steps in to the gelled corpse..

Sara "Smile" and he gives a fake smile:rommie:
Greg arrives and goes " I called the coroners and told them to hold off till we clear a path" Nick: "Good luck with that":lol:
Greg and Sara digging and sifting around all the clutter Greg to Sara "Where are you'? Sara: "Just follow the north star"
Mrs. Santiago arrives. I'm Sara Sidle [I thought she was married and her name was Mrs. Grissom

Mamn "Is there anyone else living in the house with you She goes 'Ghosts" creepy

She goes a ballistic towards Nick, Super Dave arrives, sticks out his tongue:angryrazz: "Your didn't clear a path" Nick "Your Super Dave:lol:
Doc and Ray doing autopsy so comfortable together. Back at the house and it sounded like Jorja had a cold

Nick and Sara disagree on things. Nick: "Between the cat urine, dog feces and gawd knows what else" his lines were so funny:guffaw: the peroxide and blood testing..
Julian arrives [he's the guy from the "Harvest" episode] The doctor and Ray on Mrs S. mental illiness of the "hoarding" at the stage 5 level. she claims not to remember anything, or does she?
The rifle goes off and Nick says "Geez Louise":guffaw: that really made me laugh, I say that all the time. another body:vulcan: He finds a disgusting scorpion and babies another EWWWW:scream:
Sara and Mrs. S. what a good actress she is [Jorja that is]~ Ray and Henry on the arsenic poisoning. Greg and Sara find 3 more boides in the backyard..
Ray and his theories and Nick goes "what does this have to do with the case" "Trash whisperer", he says, trying to figure her mind out.. bizarre stacking. She must have spent a fortune on plastic containers.. lordie how many were there?
They find one totally cleaned out room, then find other daughter Alisia.. chained up like a dog, this just keeps getting creepier and and deplorable
Brass and Julian and his always funny one liners How the boys were run-a-ways Julian run a half-way house of sorts saying "It does happen" Brass: "Sure it does" And "Love is a beautiful thing":lol: Ray and Nick think she's insane, gosh really
Nick at hospital with Alisia "Are you afraid of your brother"? she goes 'My mother did this to me"

then w/ Ray and his pearls of wisdom~
Greg upon looking at the girls kidnapped room. "Garbage and bodies I was handling OK. but this is some kind of twisted":cardie:And him with the scratched handcuffs~
Ray, Nick and Sara and her and Nick disagree. He think's the mom was responsible and she think's it was the brother she calls him an "ASS" he goes "I'm an ass"

Ray kinda of breaks it up and goes 'Lets stick to the evidence we have now, we can't prove either subject committed murder"
They both lawyered up Nick goes to talk to Mrs. Santiago, and Sara is ticked off and steamed. She looks over at Ray and goes "what", he goes You know I've been where you've been Sara [as she walks off] and I find it best to "walk away":lol: great timing with his lines:bolian:
They find the red ribbon and scads of rat poison, [doesn't eveybody have tons of rat poison at their residence?]:borg:
Ray interogating Alisia and she killed the guys in the graves for her own insane reasons. and her mom out a stop to it by locking her away

She tried to play cat and mouse with Ray "I hate her" Ray: "she loves you". All crazy to me, and wacked out then Sara shares her horrible childhood [mom stabbed dad] with Julian & about her schizophrenic mom "I survived just like you did, you both took different paths and someitmes there are no answers"
Ray walks in on Nick "I can see your wheels turning" and his profound wisdom "In 1960 there were no public storage, now there's over
2 billion:wtf: Nick: "So society is to blame"? Ray "There's always going to be an extreme like Mrs. Santiago"..so she's get off free..
Last scene, Nick cleaning out his drawers in his desk. Sara enters. Nick: "I almost threw out something Grissom gave me a blue marble" You know what he said "Nicky, if life ever gets crazy, roll with it". Sara said he said and gave the same thing to her

I get Nick reminiscing about Grissom, he worked with the guys for 9 years, but Sara.. absurb and silly, why is she here, and him over there. Oh, I know cause he's [WP] off the show..they didn't really need to add this lame comment on this episode, not from Nick ,but it didn't make any sense, coming from her~
Hard to grade this one, due to the fact that is was so sickening..