"House Of Hoarders" Discussion **Spoilers**

I watched it again and the scenes between Ray & Doc had me thinking Ray works best in the lab setting. They have a really good chemisty and it made me like Ray in this episode lol
I forget where I heard/read this, but not so long ago, "consumption" had primarily negative connotations. It's only in recent years that we've made it into the most desired way to be.

:wtf: I don't know if I've heard anyone using consumption as a positive thing. I've only ever heard it used negatively -- overconsumption, the problem of consumption, consumption society...
And yet, despite all we know now about its negative impacts, the consumer is still the driving force in our economy, and in many ways our society.
I and some friends watched this over the weekend, and for me I thought that George/Nick did an incredible acting job. He's shown his strong leadership, his kindness, his compassion, his sensitive side, we all know he's handsome ..and now funny too:guffaw:What's not to love about this guy? I still don't get hoarding, I can't relate to that, I would go crazier than I already am, living in that clutter and squalor. I still and never will get why people live like that. What if an earthquake hit, you'd never know, it would still look the same :(
I still don't get hoarding, I can't relate to that, I would go crazier than I already am, living in that clutter and squalor. I still and never will get why people live like that. What if an earthquake hit, you'd never know, it would still look the same :(
The better question would be, how does anyone live with any mental illness? All hoarding is is a symptom of mental illness(es). Consider the flip side of that coin, obsessive-compulsive disorder. I recently wrote a story about a woman who was so obsessed with household cleanliness that she vacuumed (meaning, moving furniture around), washed her walls and floors and cleaned her refrigerator every single day . . . and this was while raising two children and working 12-hour rotating shifts. How can anyone live like that? Not very well, as she will tell you. But the obsession with cleaning and having a list of things she had to accomplish every single day was a manifestation of her mental illness. She wasn't able to see how irrational it was, or its harmful effects on her and her family, until finally she had a breakdown. It was only later, working through her emotions and reactions to certain situations that she had the perspective to trust what she was feeling. But it took a huge amount of work on her part to reach that point.
Did anyone notice this in House of Hoarders:

Sara told Nick the place should be cleaned by next week and Marta later tells them she has till November 5th....
Finally got around to watching the episode.

Nick: How bad can it be? Oh, Nick... saying that is just asking for trouble.

N: How can someone live like this?
S: Smells more like somebody died like this.

Nick: I think I just saw a rat wearing a saddle. :guffaw:

Greg: Hey, I heard you really stepped in it.
Nick: Yeah, directly in it. It's nasty in there, man. I hope you brought another pair of shoes.

LOL at Greg stepping on the bubble wrap and Sara was like "what the heck?" haha.

Follow the North Star lol.

Dave: Hey, you didn't clear a path to the body.
Nick: Are you kidding me? You're SuperDave.

Doc: I appreciate Nick doing the Y incision for me. Though I generally prefer a scapel to a boot. :lol:

Trash whispering LOL.

When they brought the son in on suspicion of murdering the boys, I thought nah, that's too easy. I immediately thought the daughter was the one killing the boys and they had chained her up to keep her from killing someone else.

LOL Grissom gave them a marble and told them to "roll with it".

Nick saying "geez louise" when the gun went off cracked me up. The three of them ducking for cover lol. And Sara and Nick laughing. I love the three of them working together.

Last scene perfect. They didn't flat out say "I'm sorry" but the marble convo mended it.

It kind of reminded me of Nick and Greg in "Family Affair" or whatever last season's premiere was called. They kind of had a bit of a tiff near the beginning of the episode, but at the end they were in the office watching the spider and there was no "I'm sorry" said or anything, but you knew that whole scene mended everything from earlier. :)

Sara - I really liked how she stuck with her theory that the mother was innocent.

Yeah, it was kind of reminiscent of Nick sticking to his theory that the little girl was still alive in "Gumdrops". Sara thought she was dead, but Nick would just not believe that.

Did any think it was like mum's away (catherine) so the kid's start to squabble (nick and sara) because dad's useless at keeping them in check (Ray).

Haha. And little brother (Greg) did not want to get in the middle of the argument between his siblings. :lol: he probably felt like if he had said "hey guys, come on... we're all on the same team here, lets not fight" that they would both turn on him and go, "shut up, Greg". :lol:

And on the name it could have been "House Of Horrors"

I thought that too when they found the three bodies in the backyard. I actually gasped when they found them.

I'm Sara Sidle [I thought she was married and her name was Mrs. Grissom:rolleyes:

Sara mentioned one time before that she was going to use her maiden name at work. I can't remember what episode that was in, but I do recall her saying that at one point.

In Nesting Dolls, Sara said "The fights, the yelling, the trips to the hospital. I thought it was the way that everybody lived. When my mother killed my father, I found out that it wasn't." Trips to the hospital implies some sort of physical abuse. I'm wondering now though, did her mother kill her father because he abused her, or was the mother the abuser all along?

I didn't even think about the mother being the abuser all along. Good point.

No mention of Sara being missing last week either, so I wonder if there will be any mention next week of Cath's absence this week, or they're just hoping we won't notice characters missing for whole episodes.

Yeah, but with Sara we pretty much know she's off visiting Grissom when she's absent. They said that in one episode either when she was gone or the next week when she got back. I think someone asked her how her visit with Grissom was or something like that. It was last season, so I'm not 100% sure of the dialogue.
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I actually thought making Nick narrow-minded was an interesting twist to his pretty dull, perfect personality we've seen lately. Making Sara think with her heart, not her head was also a shout-out to her past attitude, which is all a criminalist shouldn't be. It was interesting to see them butt heads, and make us realize neither was right.

It was a little annoying to see Ray patronizing again, though. And I think the writers understood it, by letting Sara leave mid-lecture. Because, as a viewer, it was obvious to me how they should be behaving. I don't need Ray to do a Jerry Springer conclusion every episode.
I watched it again and the scenes between Ray & Doc had me thinking Ray works best in the lab setting. They have a really good chemisty and it made me like Ray in this episode lol

Ray was awesome as always, and he was certainly not "condecending with Sara, only trying to "share/relate" his story, and Sara walked off in a hissy-fit, and Ray's comment was perfect "when in a situation I find that [as she walks away] to "just walk away":lol:His timing so precise and perfect. Nick was the ruler in this episode and the opened minded CSI in this episode, he saw things as they really were, not as others perceived them. And Ray was bonded with Doc and the rest as he always is. Sara was back to her fiesty self. Maybe because she's lonely for her "husband", and what's going on with that fake scenerio. I can understand her helping out for a while, but this long, it's absurd. It's amost or is fan-fiction, there is no "couple" as we used to know them. When you commit to a marriage you stay with the other person, not go as far away as you can. Asinine, and not believeable:rolleyes:
Sara was back to her fiesty self. Maybe because she's lonely for her "husband", and what's going on with that fake scenerio. I can understand her helping out for a while, but this long, it's absurd. It's amost or is fan-fiction, there is no "couple" as we used to know them. When you commit to a marriage you stay with the other person, not go as far away as you can. Asinine, and not believeable:rolleyes:

Being married doesn't make you and your spouse conjoined twins (unless you're Danny and Lindsay on NY, that is). People who have busy careers spend time away from one another. That's not "asinine" or "not believable." I personally think it's refreshing to have a couple who are married and can spend time away from each other.
That's your opinion GreatPumpkin, and that's fine and everyone doesn't see things the same way do they? This woman wanted him forever got him, married him and then leaves him, to go back to a city she detested:rolleyes: to me that makes NO sense, not for this long. And I think it would have been great to see them working together like Danny and Linsdsay, their fans would have loved that:thumbsup:
That's your opinion GreatPumpkin, and that's fine and everyone doesn't see things the same way do they? This woman wanted him forever got him, married him and then leaves him, to go back to a city she detested:rolleyes: to me that makes NO sense, not for this long. And I think it would have been great to see them working together like Danny and Linsdsay, their fans would have loved that:thumbsup:

I'm fully aware it's my opinion and that people don't see things the same way. That's why I posted. Thanks for playing Captain Obvious, though. :rolleyes:

I don't doubt fans would love to see them as conjoined twins, but IMO that's too obvious a route to go. Granted WP is off the show so they can't do that with Grissom and Sara, but to me it's much more effective to show a couple together in small doses or in scenes that mean something rather than have them together in almost every scene. It cheapens the relationship for people who like it and makes it unbareable for people who don't like it.

In this case, when one of them is off the show, it shows they have a stable, committed and trustworthy relationship when they are apart for an extended period of time and aren't having trouble in their marriage. I'd think fans of the pairing would love to know they have that kind of relationship.
Well I know for sure that GSR fans would have LOVED this, I was one of them and that's what we all talked about, how great it would have been to see this exact scenerio, working together while married......................... So I wonder how if we all saw the teams homes if they are neat freaks a little messy or "hoarders' themselves:rommie: I hope eventually we get to see Nick's, Greg's and some of the rest of the teams houses. Might be scary or not:confused:
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That's your opinion GreatPumpkin, and that's fine and everyone doesn't see things the same way do they? This woman wanted him forever got him, married him and then leaves him, to go back to a city she detested:rolleyes: to me that makes NO sense, not for this long.
Well, restating the obvious, I know, but this was written as an exit storyline for Grissom/Petersen. I think that at the time, the powers that be may not have realized how much Sara was missed, and when that finally did become apparent later on, they knew they had to get her back even if the odds of getting Petersen to come back were slim to none (which they appear to be).

I think we have to factor in the amount of personal growth Sara has undergone since she left Vegas. Sara is the same person, of course, but now she is a Sara who has pretty much conquered her demons. So the Sara who was so needy of Grissom is no more; she is a much stronger, more self-reliant person than she was then . . . which is precisely why Grissom was able to enter into a committed relationship with her. If she were the same person she'd been when she was pining after him, then I doubt he would've been able to handle that.

I don't think Sara necessarily "hated" Vegas, but I do think she was completely burnt-out on her work (and the superficiality of Vegas would not have helped). Oftentimes people who are suffering from burnout don't necessarily need a permanent escape hatch; they just need a temporary one, time away to do what they need to do in their lives and get a fresh perspective. I think that's exactly what Sara did. And then she came to the conclusion that she missed the only real "family" she'd ever had, which was her team of "CSI" co-workers. And she still has Grissom, just not necessarily right there on a daily basis.

Speaking of which: I think that two people who were single for so long may need time apart at various points, especially initially. The fact that they can spend time apart shows that they are completely secure in their relationship together. When they're together, it's good. And when they're apart, no worries.

There's a part of me that wonders if maybe Grissom really is in Vegas, but they're giving the rest of the team the Sorbonne line so as not to have that expectation of him being there in a sort of "on call" way. The team can operate independently of him, grow together as the team they are (not the team some might wish they were) and Sara can work there without any conflict of interest. I have nothing to back this up; it's just a theory that occurred to me a while back.