House MD

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I'm going a bit off topic from house here, but I loved Hugh Laurie in friends, he was so funny especially when he said to Rachel 'And another thing, it seems perfectly clear, that you were on a break' :lol:
Hormiga said:
I was rewatching the "Friends" ep with Hugh Laurie on it ("The one with Ross's wedding",s4e23,24) and took these screencaps:

Friends 1
Friends 2

It was a funny ep. :lol:

*bangs head* I remember watching this ep, but I can't remember HL at all!! :(

Then again, that was before I was a House fan, and I had no interest in Hugh Laurie whatsoever.

I was a sad, sad little girl. :p
Hey,4 days and then 8 weeks of "House" consecutives!!!

Hurray !!!

YAY!!! I like your little colored things, Hormiga. :lol:
In an upcoming episode, as said by David Shore, Foreman is going to get sick and the fact that he has no family is going to be addressed. I don't think that this has been said, but if it was, I'm sorry.

Is that better, Cat. I'm sorry. Just a little angered today (which causes be to ignore the rules sometimes). Thanks.
Ahem, please add more content to your posts such as what you hope for in the next episode, what you'd like to see in future episodes, whether you think the next episode sounds interesting and how. y'know, stuff like that.
I am so excited for the upcoming eps!

finally 8 straight weeks of House! i have been dying without not only house the show, but wihout my HL too!

tha foreman thing scares me, im certainly not his biggest fan, but its no like i hate the guy or anything, i wouldn't want something to happen to cause him to have to leave the show, i would miss him becuase i think he brings a lot to show

i cant wait for house and wilson living together, it will be the funniest things ever! i hope that wilson can survive and doesnt go off and strangle house for being so antagonistic!

i hope it doesnt go the other way too though! i can certainly see house getting tired of not having his privacy and hurting wilson!

lets just say i hope we get through this without one of them killing the other!
GilandSara I've stolen "the little colored things" from the "smilies collection" thread. :devil:

And CSIGrissom be careful,please.I hate reading spoilers. :rolleyes:
CSIGrissom, coudl you put the spoilers in the spoiler tags and I'm trying not to read any more spoilers this season, it's going to be damn hard though :lol:

Not long now till Tues, I've heard that this episode is a corker :D and from the previews I have no doubt it will be
CSIGrissom I have edited your post to include spoiler codes, in future could you please use the spoiler code for any spoilers, as other posters may not wish to know. Thanks :)
Yes, I am so excited, Finally the three week wait is going to be over. Tomorrow night is the begining of non-stop House for 8 weeks. I can't wait to see how House handles Wilson crashing on his couch. I have read some spoilers from other sites, but they seem to change by the time the episode airs. I am not a shipper or anything, but I hope we can see more with the House/Cuddy realtionship. I would like to know the whole story on how they met. Because Three Stories and some stuff from this season just don't match for me. So I would like to know the back story behind House and Cuddy.
Yay, I can't wait, only one more day. has a clip from tomorrow night's episode posted already.

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