Here's the old House thread that apparently got lost in the shuffle. I'm bringing it back in case anyone cared to talk about the premiere... which I loved.
That was quite possibly some of the best television I've ever seen. Hands down. Not kidding.
It was funny, it was sad, it was shocking, it was beautiful... I cried a few times. I admit it. Especially when House cried. I thought I'd never EVER see the day when House let loose his emotions in a real, believable way, and yet there he was, defenses stripped away, walls crumbled around his feet, and he cried... and I absolutely believed it.
I'm a diehard House/Cameron fan with a moderate appreciation for Huddy, but I think House with Lydia was something great. Something obviously temporary, but also great.
I thought the "well gosh, my leg pain is manageable, how about that" thing was unrealistic but very convenient for the plot. Take away the physical pain and all you've got left to deal with is the psychological pain. No more bitching about his miserable leg; all House had left to do was delve into his miserable feelings.
If there's one thing I've learned about this show, it's that these break-throughs and revelations NEVER stick. House has gone through probably a half dozen epiphanies and it always ends up the same - in a few episodes or so, he's right back to being the rotten bastard he's always been, complete with his inability to connect and inexplicable need to negate and belittle everything that might possibly be important, meaningful or even vaguely nice.
The premiere was his best break-through yet, but like always... it will not stick. David Shore always makes sure that it doesn't.
Looking forward to more!
P.S. Hope it's OK that I took out the spoiler code. It's been over 24 hours since it aired... so... no more spoiler codes, that was my understanding.