Any of the scenes with House and Wilson are amazing. I've got a few in my Facebook profile, because they were so funny I needed to share them with the world (or at least the friends I have). All the relationships on House have a comical dynamic to them (Taub and Kutner's secret business, anybody?). My friend and I actually goof around, and I pretend to be Cuddy, and he, House. He actually went as him for Halloween last year, and used Tic Tacs to act as his 'Vicodin'. It was bloody hilarious!
I think my favorite scene between House and Wilson is from season... two, I believe. I'd ask my friend, but he's in his finals crunch (which I should be studying for as well, but forums are too much fun):
Wilson: You dosed me.
House: Yes, I did. But only because you didn't trust me. Your best friend.
Wilson: You could've killed me!
House: Amphetamines aren't gonna kill you.
Wilson: You don't know my medical history! I-I-I could've... You could've given me a heart attack.
House: A heart attack is not gonna kill you, you were in a hospital.
Wilson: *yawns*
House: AHA! You yawned!
Wilson: *through yawn* AHA! You tried to kill me!
House: I put you on uppers, and you still yawned. It means it's a symptom... of being a big fat liar. Yawning is a side effect of some antidepressants, apparently the ones you're on.
Wilson: I'm not on antidepressants, I'm on SPEED!
House: That means it's a symptom of the cerebral tumor. You've got six weeks to live. Mr. Well Adjusted is just as messed up as the rest of us. Why did you keep that a secret? Are you ashamed of recognizing how pathetic your life is?
Wilson: It's not a secret! House, it's, it's... it's personal.
House: How long has it been personal?
Wilson: It's
House: Yawning's recent so either you just started or you changed prescriptions.
Wilson: This is why I take them.
House: They're anti-depressants, not anti-annoyanceants. You'd think this would naturally come up in conversation -
Wilson: Oh, don't act hurt! You don't care.
House: -on one of those occasions where you're pompously lecturing me on what to do to fix my life.
Wilson: You wouldn't take them! You'd rather OD on Vicodin or stick electrodes in your head because you could say you did it to get high! The only reason to take antidepressants is because you're depressed. You'd have to admit that you're depressed.
House: Gimme.
Wilson: Are you gonna admit that -
House: Nope. I'm gonna prove that I'm not depressed.
Wilson: Well I can't give you my prescription. You've gotta meet with a psychiatrist. You need a whole work up. Gimme a Vicodin so I don't stroke. *goes to drink from random coffee mug*
House: I wouldn't drink that... my leg hurt and I... *waves it off*
I know it's a bit long, but I couldn't find a good place to cut it off, so I just put the entire scene