House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

What an excellent episode

Thought DAve and Kurtwood were excellent as was Katie's directing debut. Love how the ducklings showed their feelings for House.

Coolness abound at Hugh and DAve playing piano, especailly when they did 'I Don't Like Mondays'

and :D :D :D for House/Cameron kissage :D :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I was literally speechless when they announced last night that House had a brain cancer. I was like "You can't do this to me!" and then to find out that he faked the whole thing just to get an injection into the pleasure center of his brain was wasn't a let down because I mean i'm glad that he doesn't really have cancer..I don't really know how I feel about it actually. lol.

But oh man I hate to get all shippery and everything but I was like yelling at the t.v. last night I was like "Good god could the two move any slower! I've been waiting 3 season for this just do it!" and then they did and I was like "Holy Crap look at them go." And how sneaky was Cameron with that syringe? I would have never thought of anything like that. But all day me and my friend were going over to random people and were like "Hey did you know House and Cameron made out last night?" and half the people were like "...who?" Were very weird people. lol.

And the whole Chase and House scene. "Are you crying?" oh man that had me laughing for like 10 minutes. I guess I thought it was so funny because House and Chase have always had that I hate you banter and then I guess all it takes is the fact that someone's "Dying" for someone to change there ways.

I also liked at the end where they all went to Houses...well HOuse (does that sound weird to anyone else but me? lol) and Foreman was like "You should be making out with Cameron" and then Chase looked at him. *sighs* GOd love it.

Foreman: Your right. I don't like you
House: Yeah now that i'm not dying.

That cracked me up as well. All in all I will say that it was a very good episode. Probably my favorite so far this season. Well atleast one of the top three.

Oh and I almost forgot I loved Cuddy's comment when House came over to see her. "Call the make a wish foundation" Oh man that made me laugh. I could even hear my dad laughing from the living room. lol.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I watched the episode online and it kept buffering or something (and I wanted to yell at my computer) so I missed a lot but thankfully youtube helped me out ;) Well you pretty much already commented everything I wanted to. I'm just going to say that I liked the episode and as a Hameron shipper I ofcourse loved THE scene :D :D
Towards the end of the promo.Is that..Cameron and Chase kissing?!? It's not very clear but it looks like them :S If it is them then I just don't get it: we had some cuddy-house and chase-cameron in 3x14(?), now we had house-cameron and now we're going to have chase-cameron again?! What,the writers can't decide or something? Or are they going to bring in a little jealousy?
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

OMG their kiss was so hot that i couldn't think straight (and i still can't lol) he totally kissed back, tongue style :lol: awwwwwww

Dave Matthews was just admirable!!!
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Yep saw that tongue there too. Of course I am thinking "I wonder if Jesse is watching this" .

Otherwise good episode with alot of good and funny quotes as some of you have mentioned above.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

This episode was absolutely AWESOME :cool: (definitely in my top 3 for this season)

The kiss was just ... OMG WOW! What else is there to say? Tongue porn IN ACTION *YAY!* :p :p :D
I have watched and re-watched the scene many times -understatement of the year :lol:, and all I can say is how I wish I had been her *sigh*

Other things that I really liked about Half Wit:
- when House plays piano
- when he grabs Cuddy's ass
- when Chase hugs him, the look on his face when he realizes how much his imminent "death" is affecting his team
- when the ducklings wake him up in the middle of the night to announce him that he's not dying. When Cameron asks "You faked cancer to get high?", the look on his face is priceless
- at Cuddy's apartment, long coat and pink shirt, BOY he looked hot in those!!
- Dave Matthews. Kudos for his performance (the same to Kurtwood Smith)

I'm as happy as a pig in poop :D

Can't wait to see what's next. Wild hunch: the season finale's gonna be a KILLER :cool:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I wonder what happened at "last year's Christmas party" :eek: Heroin?? :eek: Wilson?? :eek: Hard to tell if House was joking or not.

What do you guys think?
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Yeah, in the middle of the night, Cuddy was wearing a robe that showed her ass SO much! Yeesh.

- when the ducklings wake him up in the middle of the night to announce him that he's not dying. When Cameron asks "You faked cancer to get high?", the look on his face is priceless

Wasn't it?!? After her making out with House for nothing....HA!
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

LOL Yeah, she looked slightly disappointed, didn't she? :D

And the way House Looked at her :rolleyes: House is House alright, and yet he did seem a bit sorry for what he put them through.

BTW, is it just me or is he REALLY REALLY VERY hot on that pic? :D

OK there are two episodes where he is detoxing ... Detox in season 1 and Merry Little Christmas in season 3 ... is it just me or was he incredibly hot in these episodes? House detoxing is hot, IMO :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

In that scene he looked hotter than usual. ;) BTW, where did you get those caps?!
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Oh really? So you got one of those fancy gizmo things or you jsut have Tivo? :lol:'m so snatching these....*starts snatching*

Hey do you by any chance have the one where he's raising his eyebrow? :lol:

*clicks last one*

YES! Sweet! (Horatio in Heaven, they had a lot of tongue action going on there!) :lol:

You just made me day! Er...evening! *huggles*
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Great pics there. I like the second one as I was laughing when he was looking through the peephole.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I liked the one where he's wearing the glasses.... *snicker*

I remember hearing him say to Cuddy "While i, the one with the mad skills to be scoring hot chicks, but i'm stuck with you making sure you don't eat the tablecloth" Or something like that, but it was funny! :lol:
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