House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Since there's about a week before the next episode of House, I thoght I'd ask this.

What do you all think House's secret that's ghoing to be revealed is.

My guess based on the promos with Wilson is maybe House has cancer and is going to Massachusetts for treatment. The Massachusetts part has been confirmed and we do have some of the bost hospitals in the world here.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Calihan said:
Since there's about a week before the next episode of House, I thoght I'd ask this.

What do you all think House's secret that's ghoing to be revealed is.

My guess based on the promos with Wilson is maybe House has cancer and is going to Massachusetts for treatment. The Massachusetts part has been confirmed and we do have some of the bost hospitals in the world here.

That's likely! But I hope not :eek:

p.s. where do you find promos on the internet?
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Sometimes you can find them on YouTube as well as on a shows network homepage Ex: House is on Fox.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I'm watching this new one right now! It's pretty crazy.

Foreman might DIE!! :(

And House gave a sucker to a little gitl and high-fived her. :lol:

It's still not over, be back later!
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Hunter said:
I'm watching this new one right now! It's pretty crazy.

Foreman might DIE!! :(

And House gave a sucker to a little gitl and high-fived her. :lol:

It's still not over, be back later!

You're watching "euphoria" right? it was an excellent two-parter episode, i really appreciated the performance of Omar Epps, he is such a good actor! and as a Cam/House shipper i also enjoyed the episode ;)

About House's big secret
I also think he might have cancer, i don't know it's a high possibility...But maybe his big secret is that he might die (not that i want him to die of course!!!)
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I agree with you all, euphoria is one of the best episodes. They struck the perfect balence of serious drama with House's comedic quotes. Definitely one of my absolute favorite episodes.

The scene in part one with House shhoting the corpse perfectly done.

Also in this episode you see a side of House which you never thought he had in him. Willing to kill his pet rat in order to save Foreman.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Also in this episode you see a side of House which you never thought he had in him. Willing to kill his pet rat in order to save Foreman.

Which showed that he can act like a human being with feelings...I had lost faith before that episode :lol:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I shouldn't have watched "Insensitive" before dinner,that huge worm is gonna make me throw

Omar Epps won a NAACP image award,congratulations !!!
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I've had computer problems for like...ever and I haven't had anyone to talk to House about except my dad and we'll he just doesn't understand! lol.

I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Every since I saw the preview and it said 3 weeks I was literally saying "You can't do that" for about five minutes. So ever since then I"ve been like "2 weeks!....3 days" to just random people.

I have no idea what House's secret is going to be. COnsidering the last one wasn't anything big I don't really have my hopes up this time. But I do think it has something to do with his leg. I think its getting worse.

But ughers I seriously can't wait for tomorrow!

And congrats to Omar on his win. He deserves it.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

There's an episode tomorrow.. new?...
Congratz to Omar *hands everyone champagne*
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

HOLY SHIT HOUSE AND CAMERON MAKE OUT! Wow...and by the looks of it, he's a damn good kisser. ;)

And Foreman says House gots about a year till the cancer....yeah. :( I don't believe it though. Something will happen and it'll be all right.

But i STILL have bite marks in my arm from me trying to stop me screaming out loud during the little House and Cam scene.... ;)


Man House keep son getting lucky with the news of the cancer. He gets to grab Cuddy ass. Serisouly, when he barges into her house in the middle of the night, shes wearing this robe that just makes her ass look huge. Yeesh. Anyways, they hug, (Cuddys on her tiptoes) and House moves his hand to her ass.

House: One small squeeze for man, one giant ass for mankind.


Oh, and Chase hugs House in the most hilarious way.

Chase: I'm going to hug you, anything to say?
House: *starts to talk*
Chase: *hugs, doesn't let go*
House: ....and i can't finish my sentance.
*long silence*
House: Are you crying?

:lol: Made me laugh. :lol:


He faked it. Wow, he got ALL that attention... :lol:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

well...i was giddy over the cameron/chase scenes! :D but the end...i say yes house does need friends (but to do that he'll have to stop alienating everyone that tries to befriend him) but let cameron and chase have their date! :lol:

and all those quotes that Hunter listed...loved them! especially the hugging scene and the one with house and cuddy :D

after i found out house had cancer, yeah i was sad, but they wouldnt let him be dying for long. not to say that i saw that plot line coming...i thought the results were gonna be wrong, not faked.
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