I don't know how ya'll say Three Stories is so great. I mean it was interesting to learn about House's injury, but I think the episode could have benn done much better than it was.
I really liked All In. Well, the kid was cute too. And tux!House and ducklings, and let's not forget Cuddy and Wilson! Oh, the radness of that episode.
The eps on top of my head would be yeah, All In, House vs. God and Finding Judas.
Im really liking the angst that Tritter is bringing this season btw..
hey everyone!
i love house, so i'll prolly post here quite often...just giving you the heads up
and random question..
does anyone else find house oddly attractive?
I've finally found time to watch "Finding Judas" and I've never seen House lose control that way,even when he was off meds...
He use to be sarcastic but not as mean as he was with Cuddy.
I hope the old House returns soon.