House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2

Wow!, what a dark, emotional eppy that was. John L as the guest actor was superb and yes the medical side did made me think what! a couple of times, but that gave way to the emotional side and finally knowing a couple of things about House. Loved the road trip!

Also Tritter is getting on my nerves and he shouldn't steal House's saying!
Re: House # 2

Tritter can go away now. Poor Wilson, he tries to be a friend and all it gets him is trouble.

I did like it that House told Wilson to leave the room because he didn't want to get Wilson in any more trouble, Ahhh he does care.
Re: House # 2

OMG Omar yay! i love that pic of him. He should have been wearing his hat though, i love that hat!

People really are getting jazzed up about Tritter :lol:
Re: House # 2

Great eppy on Tuesday night, poor Wilson though :(, House/Wilson friendship is in tatters now me thinks
Re: House # 2

Poor Wilson that is so sad especially the ending when he is sitting on the bench and House just stops and stares at him. I hate Tritter i hope he gets you think House would treat him if he did?
Re: House # 2

If he did i would want "Fingers and toes crossed" that he dies and House and the gang all pointing and laughing, then Chase praying for his and the others souls :lol:
Re: House # 2

I just started watching House and had a qustion. During the show has House alwaysd been a gimp, or did the injury happen during a episode?
Re: House # 2

House had always had the injury. (During the show, anyway) He was presented as physically damaged, which can be interpreted as the physical manifestation of his 'emotional' damage.

There was a sort of 'flashback' during season one, (can't remember the episode- The one where there was three cases with med students and House was to give a lecture.) where he had the choice to either have his leg amputated, or to leave it and be in constant pain. His choice was obvious of course, as the leg wasn't severed.
Re: House # 2

Thanks, I haven't seen any of season one yet. Right now I'm watching the sason two DVDs, re-runs on USA and New episodes on Fox.

I was only wondering because in an episode I watched tonight called Spin. The attorney asked House if he blamed her for becoming a cripple.

Please don't tell me anymore I want to now find out for myself what happened.
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