House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2

Hehe "House vs God" is on again, it was on yesterday and tis on again. If it's not that episode it's "Forever" and thats a good things, lotta Chase and House ;)
Re: House # 2

I loved tonight's episode, even though at first I thought it was a little hard to get into. Nice to see someone besides House figuring out the diagnosis, I was really surprised at who turned against House. I don't know how I'm ging to go two weeks until the next House, hell I thought I was going to go crazy between last Tuesday and today.
Re: House # 2

Like you guys dont know what i am going to say ;)

I feel really bad for Chase and not (just) because he got punched but what Tritter is doing to him. He is just scared and now he is going after himself by saying it's always him thats screwing up, and even when he saves a little girls life he feels like crap because he just got punched in the face. Lets not forget the way that the others see him, like he is just some rich snob that gets what he wants. That can not be good. On that note in Careers yesterday (I wanted to be a doctor before i even knew about House, it just should me what type of doctor i want to be ;)) and i was reading what types of skills you have to have to be a doctor, well a physision and it says "MUST have self confedence" and Chase is loosing his,

OMG poor Cuddy i wanted to give House a peice of my backhand when he said that to her.

Tritter should just go squish now.
Re: House # 2

I had a feeling Wilson was going to turn because someone can only be pushed so much especially by your so called friend. But I did have a doubt for a moment when I saw Chase with Tritter.
And I felt bad for Cuddy. Thought we should have had his ass kicked.
Re: House # 2

Yeah I too felt bad for Cuddy as she usually backs up House. The thing is he can't control himself because he is addicted to vicodin and his pain is controling his emotions. So hopefully Wilson turing him in will help this resolve but hopefully it doesn't soften House as then the show will go to hell because we like to see him as a sarcastic, ego-centric, know-it-all....admit it you like it too.
Re: House # 2

Good eppy :D, but I liked what was happening to the team rather than the PotW. Good to see Cuddy being a doctor than sitting behind the desk.

House is in freefall atm with the detoxing etc, although couldn't believe what he said to Cuddy and was a bit surprised that it was Wilson at the end who was going to rat out House, although with what Wilson has to deal with recently, it's doesn't come as a complete surprise.
Re: House # 2

because we like to see him as a sarcastic, ego-centric, know-it-all....admit it you like it too.
More than happy to admit it. But that doesn' mean I want him to be cruel.

And yeah I liked seeing Cuddy doing more than just sitting at her desk. She is a doctor that means you have to deal with people at some point.
Re: House # 2

I love that there was another Cuddy epi!!!!! she has some great episodes like "Humpty Dumpty" bunch of twist and turns in there :lol:
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