House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

Oh man House cracked me up on Tuesday. I loved it when he kept saying 'seriously'.

And I loved it when he went to that Day Care and asked that little girl "Do you have hair in your special place?" I can believe hesaid that to a little kid. lol.

And of course, "my wide died because she signed a consent form. She died" lol. That man always cracks me up.

Anyways to sum it all up I thought it was a pretty good episode. And I'm loving all of the pics!
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

Wilson: "I slept with Cuddy"
House: "Seriously??!!"
Wilson: "HAHA! VERY funny! Meredith?? Meredith, is that you?"
LMAO! :lol: :lol: omg that made my day ever! XD me hanging around in here may result in me getting admitted to the hospital :p psch ward? :lol:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

mj0621 said:
XD me hanging around in here may result in me getting admitted to the hospital :p psch ward? :lol:
:D No prob', we'll arrange for you to be examined by the hot Docs at PPTH.

First you'll go to Exam Room 1 with Dr House -no worries, he'll be able to touch you wherever it is you hurt *hands fetish heaven*, that bet with Cuddy being over.

Then Dr Foreman will take care of your brain -yeah, your obsession with House left you brain damaged *whoops* Wanna know if he has tattoos in other places -lol-? Go ahead, don't be so shy, ask him, he'll be happy to show you :D

Dr Chase will huh well, he'll do whatever it is he does -I don't know exactly what an intensivist does - lol I know: Chase will accompany you to the sleep lab *wink-wink* ahem to watch you sleep *yeeaah, riiiight* :p

And last but not least, Dr Wilson will announce you that you might be dying ... and eventually ask you to marry him *YAY!*

Aren't ya feeling better already?

:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

^^ I'm not the patient and I'm feeling better :eek: :lol: :lol:

Guys I have a question :|. I'm confused :confused:, I was reading the reviews at and I remembered that somewhere I read about House being a night in jail and telling Cuddy something about a marital visit (or something like that :confused:) what episode was that??? :confused:

Thanks a lot!!! :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

grissomfreak i knew there was something about you i liked! :lol: i think ill have a heart attack just entering the hospital! ^_^ oh the doctory goodness of this place!

oh! lol before i forget... is brenda the nurse thats always in the nursing station? the one who listens to house and cuddy banteer about clinic hours? :lol:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

Deep in denial. thats what the latest epi should have been called.

I loved House & Wilson talks. RSL was hilarious. I dont even mention Hugh - he is great whenever he gets the opportunity to be funny. and the invitation at the end *squee*

Im a Chase/Cam shipper so i usually read to much into everything they do but Cam definitely has feelings for Chase. Im not sure wheter they are romantic feelings but she feels more for him that she lets on - IMHO at least. and I loved how Chase reacted after she picked the fowers. Jessedid a great job in that scene
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

I agree, Jesse is such an amazing actor and not because he does his lines well but his face acting. The camera doesn't just go to him when House does something weird or what ever because he is a very sexxy man and should be on screen more but because he can show all of his emotions in just one glare or what ever he does.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

Oh man, I am so addicted to this show. I've watched about three episodes, and there are some main things that I just love about it.

1. The case keeps you on your toes wondering what the hell happened, then tells you at the end of the episode. It's what keeps you hooked the whole way through.

2. Teh FUNNY! I laugh every episode, and it's usually because of the amazing lines Hugh delivers. He does an amazing job and makes House a very believable character, and an admirable one.

3. The balance of comedy and sensitivity. Foreman brings a sense of calm, and House delivers the excentric side of it, giving an excellent balance of the two.

This show is amazing. I don't understand how anyone can't like this show. :) Tonight's episode was amazing as well. A bra clasp? Who would have known?!?!
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

Wyoming since you're only starting to get addicted to House take my advice and go to Blockbuster and rent seasons one and two start to catch up now.

About tonight's episode I thought this was one of the saddest episodes in a long timne which was nice for a change. I must say it's been a long time since we've had good drama for Foreman, the last episode with good drama for him was the Euphoria episodes, I think the Euphoira episodes are probably the best in the entire series. Back to tonight's episode House did have a couple good quotes as usual and I'm loving the tension between Chase and Cameron seems very realistic unlike other shows which completely forget about what happened to their characters in previous episodes. Overall tonight's episode was masterful and unforgettable.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

OH! I didnt know you can rent dvds of House in Blockbuster! O_O thank you for the advice. i need to see s1 :p

last nights eppie was... wow. *gg*
Hector... LOL wonder why he took it? cause... the dog is just like him? omg... im so excited. :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

Loved it when House said to Wilson's ex-wife that 'Hector-Does-Go-Rug' was a lame anagram for Gregory House.

"You want a better one for Gregory House? 'Huge ego, sorry'" :lol:

From last night's episode: Dr Evil :devil:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"

Thanks for the answer GrissomFreak :D

I have more questions :p. How many episodes has House ended up at Cuddy's place????. I remember 3: Humpty Dumpty, Insensitive and Half Wit. Anything else??? And what about Cuddy being at House place???

Thanks a lot!!! :D
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