House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I had an episode question. Earlier tonight I was re-watching the episode Three Stories, which goes into how House was crippled. I was wondering since his story came from the person who was faking to get drugs, does that mean House was an addict even before he was crippled or did I mis-interpret that.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Congrats to Hugh on his win. Once again that man cracked me up with his speech. "I am british by the way" lol. I was also watching the pre show on E and he was talking to Julianna I believe it was...I can't remember and he was talking about how he was exporting his Golden Globe to London and how he wasn't supposed to mention that on T.v. he didn't think. *sighs* That man cracks me up!
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Congratulations to Hugh Laurie !!! :D

His acceptance speech:

Hugh Laurie / HOUSE – Dr. Gregory House FOX HUGH LAURIE: Thank you so much. Thank you. This is phenomenal. It seems to be that this business, for actors anyway, is not so much about whether or not you do good work, it’s about whether or not you get the chance to do good work. And I am… [applause] Every day I am extremely grateful for the chance I’ve been given to play what is to me such a fascinating character, to do it here in America… I’m British, by the way. [laughter] Which accounts for why I’m so smooth. [laughter]

And what’s more, to do it at a time when American television drama, it seems to me, is absolutely at its zenith. It’s a phenomenal honor and a great chance, and I am – I know it will pass very quickly… it might even have passed while I’ve been standing here. [laughter] But it’s still amazing. My therapist made me promise that I wouldn’t thank anybody. [laughter] Some of you with ownership, I didn’t really understand it.

But I would nonetheless like to thank the people who gave me the chance. The Executive Producers of “House,” Paul Attanasio, Bryan Singer, Katie Jacobs and David Shore. And also the wonderful Nancy Perkins, Marcia Shulman and Gail Berman. And to them and to you, and to chance, thank you. Thank you very much. [applause]


A pic from the arrival.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".


So, new episode tonight?

I'm excited.

Me & my friend from school were disappointed to see that there was a re-run last week. And the week before I believe? Can't remember. But anyway - we get to see him from after he faked court. lol. It'll be interesting. :lol:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

saraXsullivan said:

So, new episode tonight?

I'm excited.

Me & my friend from school were disappointed to see that there was a re-run last week. And the week before I believe? Can't remember. But anyway - we get to see him from after he faked court. lol. It'll be interesting. :lol:

I was raging too, don't worry!

WOO new epii tonight! Can't wait! :D :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I finally found this thread :rolleyes:

House ROCKS MY SOCKS and Hugh Laurie is just too hot and talented :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Yes Hugh is a great actor and his character of House is fantastic.

Did anyone catch last nights episode?

I thought it was pretty good but weird. I mean I get that she would only talk to someone that cared and first she had to get him to tell her something about himself, something that made him vunurable to others and only then she could talk about what happened to her. Hmmm I think I just answered my own question about this... anyway it just seemed like a all over the place episode.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I liked last night's episode.

Shh.. don't tell anyone but I thought the girl in the episode was a lot like me. She had to trust House before she could trust him. She waited for him to tell her about something that happened in his life, then she explained her story. And she was really insecure at the strart of the episode. I loved how House just knew that she had been raped. I liked the 'get away from me' scene.

I have to go, I'll add more later.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I haven't seen it yet, I'm gonna watch it now actually :D

Most of you probably already know that, but in case somebody missed the boat, is an amazing website for any Hugh Laurie and House fan. Tons of pics and videos.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Already got that link ;)

Very liked the episode on Tuesday, yes it's wasn't the run of the mill House episode, reminded me of 'Three Stories' a bit, which is because it was written by the God that is David Shore.

I think this eppy has brought up a lot of discussion, thought Hugh rocked his socks off in this one, just wish we had seen more of Cameron and her patient and more backstory for her character, Cameron is getting more mysterious than House!
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

cath4gil said:
Cameron is getting more mysterious than House!

haha. I agree. I want to see more Cameron!

So, yesterday, I was going to go on and on about what I liked about the episode, but then I had to go. Now I can't remember fully what I was going to say.

Right. So, I liked the episode. House actually opened up to someone and I think he felt sorry for the rape victim, no matter how many times he said he was being forced to stay in her room. He was the one to ask if she wanted to go for a walk. I think at that point, he wanted to make sure no one would walk in and hear about what happened in his past.

Jumping back to the start of the episode, I wonder why the girl would only talk to House as the start. I re-watched it and maybe it's because House knew just by her actions and looking in her eyes that she was raped. It was the first person she told about it and maybe she didn't want it to spread around too much? Maybe the fact that he's like a rock and she just wanted the thrill in breaking it. She found out from the start that he has no sympathy for rape victims. So, maybe she wanted to make him feel sympathy for her, then she'd tell him what happened. Maybe she wanted him to feel sympathetic for her, before she spilled about her problem.

I liked how the girl was smart and knew when House was lieing. She's smart people-wise. House completely disagrees with her, because most of her opininons, she based them on religion. I think that's what bugged House about her. When they talked about abortion, the girl said 'abortion is murder' which is true, but then she said 'every life is sacred', which is probably something she's been taught through her religion.

You can see it in House's eyes when Cuddy tells him that the girl is pregneant, he's spent so much time with her that I think he has started to care for her, and you can see that he feels sorry for her when he's told that she's pregneant. After that, he sat close to her when he told her. I liked that. It showed that now, she was no longer just another patient, to House anyway.

Then House challenges her religion, which I didn't like too much, but I guess it's better than being left unsaid. I guess I'll say something about Cameron now, how can she just sit there and watch someone die? Maybe she was imagining her husband on the bed, I noticed that she kinda day-dreamed at one point. Or maybe I was just seeing things?

Anyway - that's all I wanted to say. I liked the relationship between House and the girl, we never see House reacting to anyone like that. Well, he sorta talks to Wilson, but this was different. This was a different relationship, and I think House learned from it. Maybe we'll see a bit more compassion in episodes to come? Haha - somehow I doubt it.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I liked Tuesday's epi A LOT.

I liked House's relationship -if you can call it a relationship -it's rather a connection, with the rape victim.

The fact that she gets him to open up. So now we know why he hates his dad so much. Can't blame him really.

In the end you get a better understanding of why, although he never admits it, House felt connected to the girl -and vice versa. They both were raped -House not in the literal sense of the term, but when you think about it, it was rape too.

House looks so vulnerable when he opens up. It's attractive :D

Another thing I liked in this epi was the cinematography. Lots of very nice close-ups -I love seeing faces. Facial expressions tell you so much more than a thousand words. Also I love seeing that stubble in close-up -he's so hot :D

Plus it was very fun. The breath mint scene, the "you'll get $10 every time you examine a patient without touching him/her" deal with Cuddy :lol:

Anyone else here thinks House is HOT when he's in withdrawal? I do :rolleyes:
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