House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Don't say for now, want him gone forever

WOOO for Hugh winning the Golden Globe :D :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Yayyyy,Hugh Laurie won the Golden Globe again. :D :D :D

"People are falling all over themselves to send you free shoes and free cufflinks and colonic irrigations for two. Nobody ever offers you a free acceptance speech. There just seems to be a gap in the market. I would love to be able to pull out a speech by Dolce & Gabbana."
– Hugh Laurie, best actor in a TV drama winner for House.


Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

So Hugh Laurie (House) is a british guy. I knew that since day one, but i give him props. He's doing a great job covering tha accent up.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Well done Hugh Laurie, well deserved! :D

Also, great pictures Hormiga. :)
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Thanks for those piccies.

Oh man Hugh had me laughing last night. His accent is just so...awesomly awesome. I loved the part that he was saying that no one ever gives you a free speech. But I also loved it when he was like "I want to give a special thanks to Robert Sean Leonard. I have a reason. He gave me a reason, I just don't remember why" I wanted him to win but I honestly thought Keifer Southerland was going to be him out, but he didn't so big congrats go out to Hugh!
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Thanks for the lovely pics Hormiga

Hugh speech was just brilliant and :lol:, fab that Jack Nicholson stood and applauded Hugh when he went to the stage, so cool :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Aww. I am a House/Cam shipper for the show, *cough* my av *cough* but they look so cute together in that picture.

it is so amazingly adorable. <3
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Ugh! I got so angry on Tuesday. I was so excited to watch House right after he got out of the whole Tritter thing, and what do I find when I turn on the TV? American Idol. I was so angry! I mean, why does one need two hours of yucky singing. I used to be a huge fan of AI, but then Chris Daughtry was voted off.
But yea I was raged.
So is House going to be a new episode this upcoming Tuesday?
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

On the 30th yup.

I still love AI but i agree it didn't have to be 2 hours long. Plus a bit of my love for it died when Constantine Marrones from the Carrie Underwood season (I think) was voted off. And then Chris. So i was missing out on House :mad:
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Yea.. and this week, Bush's talk with some union made me watch yet another rerun of House! This is not fair!
I mean, Bush is a busy man, but can't it wait until AFTER House aired!?!?
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I feel your pain letsdance, but I suppose the state of the union address is important too.
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