Hottest CSI

And the award for hottest, most adorable, cutest, sexiest CSI goes to:

Drum roll please

Grissom!!!!!!!! :D :D (this coming from a 21 year old)

Eyes, intelligence, loyalty, etc. He's got it all. :cool:
Posted by awesomeredhead:
Jorja is amazing and is so beautiful!

paper_flowers - I was just checking out your site (from your profile) and I was thinking "Damn, she looks a lot like Jorja Fox!" Then it hit me that that WAS a pic of Jorja. Thought I'd share my "moment"!!

LMFAO that had made my day i was hoping someone would think that was me :lol:.. I wish I did look like her!! yeah Jorja rocks I talk about her ALL the time on my xanga diary :D
Grissom does have some of the gorgeous eyes. His arms are pretty nice too, except you never get to see them. I think the bowlegged thing is just adorable. But my heart belongs to Greg ,and this is coming from a 14 year old!
My mom has a thing for Grissom, I can see why, he has the sexy smart guy thing going on. Greg is a major hottie too, although he seems like he'd be more of a good buddy. But my username tells who my heart belongs to.
Hey I'm 22 and I think Grissom is hot. Nick is my favorite though. But I love to see grissom smile, he has the hottest smile. He should do it more oftren.
I think if people keep messing with Sara, she'll kill someone. But Nick is my sweety, he couldn't kill anyone, it might damage his precious career. :p :p :p
I agree with Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick. Nick is the hottest guy on CSI, and the planet. ;) ;) ;)
umm, I guess you are new, stokesgirl. But I give you an advice.
If you want to refer some others post (which isn't latest post) click "quote" what is on the right of that post. Then you see original post quoted and you can type your own post under it.
If you, on the other hand, post something and forgot to type in something, more but forgot it, during 6h you can click "edit" button of your post and edit your post.

Because if you do this a lot, some may think you may do it only as to rise your post count.

It's better than make 4 posts in a row in 10 mins.

Otherwise, Have fun here :)
Posted by Wild_Blue_Gil:
And the award for hottest, most adorable, cutest, sexiest CSI goes to:

Drum roll please

Grissom!!!!!!!! :D :D (this coming from a 21 year old)

Eyes, intelligence, loyalty, etc. He's got it all. :cool:

We're almost the exact same age (I'm 20!!) and people my age tend to think I'm crazy because I think WP/Grissom is SOOOO sexy. Glad to see so many young people here who agree with me!

And you're right. He has it ALL.
Posted by awesomeredhead:
Posted by Wild_Blue_Gil:
And the award for hottest, most adorable, cutest, sexiest CSI goes to:

Drum roll please

Grissom!!!!!!!! :D :D (this coming from a 21 year old)

Eyes, intelligence, loyalty, etc. He's got it all. :cool:

We're almost the exact same age (I'm 20!!) and people my age tend to think I'm crazy because I think WP/Grissom is SOOOO sexy. Glad to see so many young people here who agree with me!

And you're right. He has it ALL.

WELL, Im younger than you and lets not say how much. But I do agree that he has everything too! WP is SO SEXAY! ;) :D I'm glad to see that many young people are admitting that they find WP hot on here.. :rolleyes:
Posted by awesomeredhead:
Posted by Wild_Blue_Gil:
And the award for hottest, most adorable, cutest, sexiest CSI goes to:

Drum roll please

Grissom!!!!!!!! :D :D (this coming from a 21 year old)

Eyes, intelligence, loyalty, etc. He's got it all. :cool:

We're almost the exact same age (I'm 20!!) and people my age tend to think I'm crazy because I think WP/Grissom is SOOOO sexy. Glad to see so many young people here who agree with me!

And you're right. He has it ALL.
Cool. It's nice to see other people close to my age feel the same way. I have a friend and we both love older guys usually so we don't feel weird. :lol:

huge George Eads fan. i find him soo sexy in soo many ways i go out of my mind when they show him on CSI. best scene of him ever is from "Let The Seller Beware" when he goes in the pool and when him Archie and Catherine are watching the video and he goes "blam".

I just love everything about George Eads: his Texas twang, his (old) hair, his smile, his body and there's a lot more but i would be here all night if i went through everything.
Well i thougth id jump in and add to the straight guy responce..

Id say sarah deffintly intelegence all the way and shes not bad on the eyes either cathrine is a close second but shes a little old for my taste