Hottest CSI

Ummm... do I have to choose? Of course I do I'm hear... but I do have good reaspns for my choices:

The original: Grissom... I just like older guys.. (of course he's years and years older than me but oh well!)

Miami: newbie (I cant remember his name at this exact moment :( :confused: -- the former police one?)

New York: Mac.... same as Grissom... ;)
Posted by greglover14:
I know, griss is old enough to be my dad, but hes still hot! :D

I SO AGREE!! Grissom is SO hot! I'm 20, so that would make WP about, hm..., 33 years older than me? Wow. Never really thought about it, but it doesn't take away from the fact that he's SOOOOO hot!
After watching some more CSI today, I've gotten mention how hot Warrick is again. :) That man... his posture, his voice... those muscles... his height... yum! Oh, and of course the way he'd give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.

An episode that displays a lot of his good characteristics is 'Fight Night' (Season 3). From seeing him in his undershirt with the boxing gloves on, to offering to take the spit bucket from Sara... he's pretty swell. :D
He is swell. Totally yummy. I love my men to be muscular. I don't really like the fro though, but it is part of the Warrick package, so I guess I'm cool with it. ;) :D
Heh, you don't have Warrick without the fro. I saw the first couple episodes of season 1 last night and it's weird seeing Warrick with short hair! How about the time he went in the pool and found the cufflink? That's right up there with Nick going in the pool and finding the dead guy. Oooh, I wonder if there's going to be a 'Greg goes swimming' episode. :D :D
Oh, if Greg is taking his shirt off, I will wear off the rewind button on my remote. ;) That would be so wonderful. I also loved it when Nick and Warrick take off their shirts. I like Warrick's body more cause hes a bit taller and muscular, but Nick's got the face of an pin-up.
I completely agree regarding Warrick's 'fro. It's not like he even needs the extra height, but it goes well with his face.

He's always wearing such cool clothes on the show as well. He's Mr. GQ man on the case. ;)
Ha, you're right. It's funny though, he always has the top few buttons of his shirt undone, (I think the one time I really noticed it was when he was talking to Cath in the locker room one time.) No objections here though. :D
Hahaha! Nick is definately a cutie and so is Warrick. I like both of their eyes. Greg is just cute in a really weird way. I do love Greg's clothes though. He wears the coolest shirts.

BTW, Greglover, are you in N. or S. Georgia? I'm in S. Georgia! Just thought it was cool to have someone so close on the board.
I live in Atlanta, sorry thats North Georgia. Ur right though it is cool to have someone a little close. *make little sign with two fingers*.
P.S.- In my opinion (and screen name) Greg is cute in all aspects.