'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglasses~

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Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H~

I did that quiz and I got Horatio, but I think I'm a bit more like Speed, personally. Not that I'm complaining. :)
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H~

Having a fight between H and Frank will be like, Mohd Ali versus his own daughter. They don't really want to hurt each other but they both kick ass just as hard! :D

Yup, is that the one from 'Cross-Jurisdiction' Ducky? Judging from the Everglades in the background.

I think having a pair of dark sunglasses is important in places as hot and scorching as LA or Miami. I would bring one too if I were to go there.

HAH! Fat chance Casper! :p
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H~

I love H with shades and without them. I like it how he puts them on/off :D and how he is troying with the shades
I'm obsessed with his shades :cool:

and concerning Frank vs H: I think when Frank is able to get hold of H, it would end horrible for poor H. But H is smart enough to stay away from Frank and take him with his gun. So H would definately win :devil:
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H~

Yup, is that the one from 'Cross-Jurisdiction' Ducky? Judging from the Everglades in the background.

It's actually from Felony Flight. It's just mirror image (bushes/trees should be actually on the other side) from This screencap

I had earlier bit different version of it. Now I have more _pro_ look because I asked my old online buddy Dani to do it.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H~

If only it wasn't mirror-image, I could have seen the darn plane. Something about the cap looks like a promo pic. Seems so candid.

Are those two pictures at the top showing again!?
I might stop posting pics for awhile. It's confusing me. :p
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Anyways.. *coughs* anyone noticed I'm back to Saint H avatar time now that new episodes are coming again :D
Yay! The return of Saint H. I did notice Ducky - very nice btw! :D

Casper, I've been able to see those two pics at the top all the time! ;)
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H~

Yes Casper it's showing alright.

ahahaha! I am going to have the hardest time watching H take off his sunglasses now!

That's the point, H won't take it off. He has to protect his eyes from Frank's shiny head. Frank's gonna shine his head on H if he takes those shades off and then when H gets blinded, Frank's gonna crush him. H is too clever for Frank nyah ah ahhh :lol: Hey don't bash me I love Frank too! *runs and hide*
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Maybe you've overdosed! :lol:

Maybe try switching to Photobucket? Just a suggestion, as I've not had any problems with that. :)
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Hey everyone, I'm officially back from the land of the dead (aka I have broadband again - I stole some moments on my sisters dial up while I was away but had to stop that for fear of throwing my computer at the wall because it was so slow... anyway...)

While I was away I had a go at making an H video, which can hopefully be downloaded here.

It's my first time making a video, so bare that in mind, and I've also never used MegaUpload before so I hope it works.
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Too much picture-posting makes Casper a stoned girl. :rolleyes:

I did try signing up for Photobucket but my computer keeps hanging. Mhhm.
My new resolution: Take a picture-posting break till May the Fifth. Darn, that's a long way!
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

:eek: :confused: May the 5th??? Why May 5th??? That's too long! I use Photobucket too and have no trouble at all. It was a breeze for me.

Hey brit I'm downloading the video but it's a bit slow. Welcome back!
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

What do you mean by your computer 'hanging' Casper? :) Photobucket was so straightforward, I'm confused!

I'm downloading it too brittany....and it's great to see you back! :D
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

Nice video brittany. I love REM, so that made it even better for me.

I kept waiting for Yelina to appear though. She is such a huge part of H's psyche and past, whether people like her or not.

Great work though. :)
Re: 'Hot' Horatio Caine # 2 ~Sexy Saint H & the Holy Sunglas

I'm downloading it brittany... great to see you back.. :D

Casp.. May 5th.. that's too long... I don't think I can wait that long...

Ducky.. the return of sant H yay.. I did notice... :p
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